Quickly played the storyline of Detroit: Become Human through for the first time, some Dishonored for nostalgia and fell back to playing the PS2 games I never had the console for back when I was a child.
Most of my recent hours have gone to Rayman 3, and there’s a big heap of PS2 games to go through after that. I’ve noticed PCSX2 doesn’t consume much battery, so my typical travel games tend to be PS2 games as well.
Not sure about others in fennoscandia, but at least Finland has multiple large co-ops. One of the largest banks, OP ( literally named co-op bank) is a co-op which many own a part of. Many of my friends are part of the co-op.
Also, Finland’s largest retail conglomerate (with 48.3 % market share of retail in Finland) is a consumer co-op, which is also causing a very difficult situation for all other businesses in retail, as they’re able to undercut practically everyone since they have less of a profit incentive. 2.4 million people have a membership, which is quite a sizable amount in a country of under 6 million (though I’m not sure if the number includes Estonians as well)