I’ve heard a saying, two things you should never do on the Internet are argue or explain. It takes up a lot of mental energy and time to do it for no reward.
I’ve heard a saying, two things you should never do on the Internet are argue or explain. It takes up a lot of mental energy and time to do it for no reward.
I didn’t thinking that idea was still in dispute. There have been multiple studies in this area. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3543069/
A steam deck with a mouse and keyboard is kind of horrible, I have tried that. And maybe things have changed, how well does Steam OS do as a primary OS? I might look into it again.
I can sympathize but I hate using the controller setup, I’m definitely a mouse and keyboard person. For better or worse I’m stuck with Windows unless Steam comes out with a desktop or something.
I think any DLC would have been far from mediocre. Given how much post release support they’ve done, I have no doubt DLC would have been stellar. But that’s my point, the passion for the core game is so clear! But I’m excited to see what the mod community can do with good tools.
I’m still having so much fun with this game that the lack of DLC hurts my feelings, lol! I’m just amazed they didn’t give Larian a blank check to do anything DLC wise once the awards kept flooding in.
First level is the tutorial level so many people had trouble with, in the parking garage!
This is my wife’s biggest trigger, people not responding to texts, for some reason it will lodge in her brain all day when her friends do this.
This is Pinterest basically.