The cat, cleaning itself a little later: Hmmm, my butthole tastes especially good today
The cat, cleaning itself a little later: Hmmm, my butthole tastes especially good today
You forgot the person the protagonist is currently involved with who is a puppy-kicking narcissist. Source: my wife loves these movies too.
“Bob, if you take your burgers from me, I will murder you and your mouthy wife.”
Mine is in a safe deposit box in Budapest. You can never be too cautious.
“Now I really get it!”
I’m just happy for the red circle, without which I could never have completely understood this meme.
sensible chuckle
The scene with the witches on the viewscreen gave me a lifelong fear of looking out of windows at night.
I once put off a 5 minute task for so long, it was already at the 6 month replacement mark for when I should have originally done it! Efficient!
It took me a moment to get used to it, because I had the traditional upbringing with oatmeal = cinnamon, sugar, etc. But it’s not that different from mashed potatoes, polenta, or rice. I already had the pilaf recipe that was a favorite “go with anything” side dish, so I tried that first and stuck with it.
I second oatmeal but I go with savory. 50g of oats, 250ml of broth/liquid.
Variation 1 is a spice mix that mimics a favorite rice pilaf recipe (maybe 1/2 tsp of Old Bay seasoning, some salt and pepper, a sprinkle of turmeric and coriander). Then add in protein, veg, cheese, whatever. That’s my go-to most of the time.
Variation 2 is “pizza” style: a scoop of premade marinara, some broth to fill out the rest of the liquid, and a sprinkle of shredded mozz. Throw in some protein/veg that works (think pizza).
Variation 3 is “Mexican style,” which I mostly do if I have some leftover carnitas or taco meat: change the spices to chili powder and cumin, cheese, of course.
Quick oats cook up in 2-2.5 minutes in the microwave. Total prep time is maybe 10-15 minutes.
Look at Inuit and other cultures that live in the Arctic. Humans can live (relatively) comfortably in extreme conditions without keeping their environment at a constant 22C.
Didn’t they blame tight pants for the 6 bending?
banned for accidentally showing her ankle
How about HypoLoop?
Fringe ended weird though. I chalk it up to JJ Abrams getting bored (yet again) with his wildly successful project and letting it sputter to an end instead of letting it go out with a bang.