Ooh I dug through recipe apps a while back, I ended up using Pestle. It’s pricier than Paprika but I prefer the Pestle UI. Both good apps with similar feature sets, just providing another option.
Paprika - $5 Pestle - $20/yr or $40 lifetime
I always really liked South Park’s Satan when he explains addiction to Stan.
Worth what? There’s no cost, upgrade if your phone supports it.
This is all correct and is commonly known as redshift or blueshift. It’s the same idea as when a car or train passes by and you hear the pitch get higher as it approaches you, and then lower as it leaves you.
To add to it though, stars themselves (regardless of our perspectives on them) do come in different colors. Betelgeuse is an easy star to find in the night sky that has a distinctly redder color compared to most stars. It’s the left armpit star in the constellation Orion.
Stars have different colors based on many factors like their composition and how hot they burn.
Obligatory fuck u/spez
Not sure exactly what you’re seeing but this comment came through just fine on my instance, lemmi.social.
However this does seem to be one of the current known issues/limitations with Lemmy, comments not always mirroring out to all the instances. I see comments all the time that appear to be replying to nobody, for some reason the parent comment doesn’t always make it to my instance.
It’s definitely more often than just the occasional case of somebody deleting a comment.
Hmm well we’ve tried when the notification alert is playing to lower the volume from the car radio volume, but that seems to change both (or all) volumes the same. I suppose that makes sense and we need to change it with the phone volume buttons, but still as you said this is invisible and non-intuitive and can easily be done better by Apple.
Viewing and posting from Memmy on iOS, for what it’s worth!
Good list. Would like to see the separate volumes, especially when it comes to CarPlay. I have notifications silenced generally so nbd for me, but my ears explode when my dad gets a text in his car. If he turns down the alert volume then the call volume goes too, so he just leaves it at “tinnitus inducing” at all times.
Clipboard history would also be pretty great.
Tom Cardy is one of my favorite hidden gems on the internet today, and this song probably went right into my top three favorites.
Why Am I Anxious and H.Y.C.Y.B also get me every time.
I did. Probably wasn’t worth downloading that app.
No surprise there. Was dating a girl and she asked me to sign up so she can get some discount. I already knew it was a trash app but signed up anyway, because sex.
I’ve never seen a more cancerous app in my life. Got her the discount she needed, promptly deleted my account and uninstalled.
Nah. Check this link. Second most populous site in the Fediverse behind Mastadon, which had a huge head start. Plenty of users have come and left, that’s fine. They will come in waves and growth fuels more growth. Most importantly, check out the last two graphs. Posts and comments continue to increase. Build it and they will come. There’s content here and in time more people will discover you can have the content and the community without the Reddit bullshit.
Nice! As a follow up, is there a good app/source to get more positive articles Ike this regularly?