Yeah we’re a fat as fuck country. There’s obviously a nightmare scenario because of our shit-tier healthcare system, but at the end of the day, it’s because people don’t willingly eat healthy because there’s an abundance of cheap, greasy food.
Bro we’re living shorter lives because of TOO MUCH bread. Heart disease and diabetes is wrecking the shit out of Americans
So is the meme about the U.S. switching to the USSR because the U.S. ran out of food to provide to people like what literally happened in the USSR?
The game has a minor character who is trans too. It uses the world she invented but does not borrow her real world views
I thought we were all looking at the same 10 posts here!
This is exactly how it feels 😂 compared to Reddit, I actually really enjoy that. This still has a cozy community vibe, kinda like Reddit did back in 2012 or 2013. Then it all just kinda fractured. Not really a bad thing, as Reddit hosts so many close community, but I do miss how it felt in its earlier years where the entire site had this kinda kindred feeling about it.
I hope we all get to experience this more one day when we completely bungle an attempt to correctly identify a domestic terrorist
It’s funny they’re still boycotting the NFL. They all supposedly finished boycotting it during the kneeling and BLM controversies that occurred years ago.
They’re essentially opting out of all of the cultural ties they had to America at large. They only want to associate with their own cultists. Aside from the irony of them creating a safe space, they’re also creating a breeding ground for militants and extremists. It’s no surprise we had a guy chop his dad’s head off for being a government employee.
This is one of those games where I start playing and then it’s dark outside and I’m dehydrated. 10/10 would recommend
Don’t even talk to me until I’ve had my “nineteen of the same joke back to back” in the morning
He initially accused Hussein of being in league with Al-Qaeda too. He pressured the shit out of the intelligence community to corroborate his story. When they refused, it was switched to what you just described. People give Bush too much credit. He was just very dumb.
Also this is like the fourth “US NEEDS OIL” meme I’ve seen today lmao. Domestic production is at an all time high, and very little oil produced in the Middle East even comes to the states. But we shouldn’t let facts get in the way of this weird meme campaign
What would it be to have a market economy with private investments and also a system that ensures the tax system ensures everyone has at least basic housing and access to vocational schools and higher education? I don’t want to completely upend the system but tweak it so Kevin Griffin cries himself to sleep at night
I didn’t think I would enjoy Hogwartz Legacy as much I have. I’m not sure what I was expecting but being a demigod who just absolutely wrecks anything in my path with pure violence wasn’t it
It’s not a subsidy for a processed meal, it’s more about how we’re subsidizing the shit out of the domestic meat industry so burgers are artificially cheap