Punch nazis, trebuchet TERFs.
I am building Voyager, a client for lemmy!
It looks fine for me on voyager. Maybe connection issues.
Yeah it pretty shitty. Will probably be used to disenfranchise students
I voted against it
Whut about purple people
I don’t remember the last time I needed/missed 3.5mm
Oh it would be cool to see filter by instance for the getPosts endpoint too!
hmm, I don’t think Lemmy’s API allows for filtering communities by instance. That would be a really cool feature though!
Edit I found this open issue: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ui/issues/1298
Try to login to any instance and submit with blank username/password.
Alternatively, (bit more complicated but provides a nice interface to browse) you can select an instance in the signup flow, and press the (...)
icon in the header to “connect as guest”
What do you mean by searching for other instances?
You can browse any instance as a guest. Not sure it that’s what you mean!
More nudibranch content please
you own the airspace up to the highest point of your property
Nope. Part 103 pilots often fly inches off the ground and it’s totally legal- usually farm fields. This is called class G airspace and extends from surface to 700 or 1200 ft AGL. The United States government has exclusive sovereignty of airspace in the US from the surface up, and any citizen has the right of transit through that airspace.
You can also do code block with plain:
Stuff here
It should be purple, vs blur. Maybe I could tweak it to be more obvious though!