Which, I hear, is very common
Which, I hear, is very common
A bro-job, for good measure
I think you’re onto something
I couldn’t not do that as well, which implies that to get that stinking rich and stay that way you must be some degree of sociopath
I just smack the whole can on the counter. The lid onto the counter edge, to be clear. Seems to work consistently, and lots of room to apply more force if needed
You’re forklift certified?? I bow to you
Yeah and now I have to go door to door to let my neighbors know about how great a time it was
This is supposed to quantify intelligence but how are these criteria quantified? Seems like the same fundamental issue
Yeah, this is more on the ‘paranoid’ end of the spectrum without being very effective. If you’re being surveiled or targeted, there’s plenty to dig up already.
No need to shrink away from expressing yourself. and this breeds a mistrust against your neighbors or community.