Or New Hope vs Empire Strikes Back Millennium Falcon.
Or New Hope vs Empire Strikes Back Millennium Falcon.
Dark was great. For anyone watching for the first time, Netflix made a great website that helps you keep up with who is who with no spoilers. Select the last episode you’ve finished and it only gives information to that point.
I used to work overnights and that is exactly what happened. In fall you work an extra hour and get an hour of overtime. In spring your shift would be an hour shorter. The company I worked for still paid us that hour so we got paid for an hour we didn’t actually work which was nice.
Enterprise refit. Loved the original Enterprise and the Enterprise D when TNG came out, but there was something magical about seeing the refit on the big screen.
The big difference in the models are the landing gears. In A New Hope there are only three. After that, there are five.
I don’t know about the missing hallway, but now I’m curious.