Lots of sites block mailinator.com domains, too.
Lots of sites block mailinator.com domains, too.
Dvd is SD. They may have BD’s, though.
Yes, that cuts the list down even more.
Hypothetically the hardware could have been modified, but that would take some insane level of a determined attacker to be fabricating modified pixels just to sell them on the used market.
Also unlockable and presumably has well working builds. It’s not just graphene, but just about every Android project it there that’s best supported on pixels. Other manufacturers have a crazy variety of locking schemes and required tools. Each one is a nightmare to support.
Encryption is trivial. Getting a reliable keystream is not.
It all depends on the framing 😁
The federated, foss software stacked network matrix. Right.
Unlikely. I often forget it exists. If I didn’t think about a friend or relative wanting to send a message, I’d probably leave it on a table or something until I need to take a picture or note or look something up. And then it would probably be out of battery.
Planet Microsoft.
You might just end up spending all your time doing that, though.
Good times.
The old horsehair types are pretty decent though not precision meters. The numbers will be completely off unless calibrated, but you can make multiple meters agree. Either way, you can see which days they take a massive dive.
Much the same as those bimetallic thermometers.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nils_Olav for that article in case someone wants it.
Yes. There are a lot of reasons why any one of us could turn into a high value target at the drop off a hat. If not to a government, then to an organisation or a lone lunatic.
Blocking, yes. Bans can be more, though. When poor opsec gets you defenestrated or shipped to an offshore entertainment facility, it’s a bit more than an inconvenience.
Check Heimdall instead.
It hasn’t. That’s a fairly recent (1990’s) innovation.