You would have to have something more concrete to tie a religious commandment to be considered “On to something”. You really got a nothing statement going on.
You would have to have something more concrete to tie a religious commandment to be considered “On to something”. You really got a nothing statement going on.
Its the only thing everything else isn’t even a consideration
That innocent people will die due to selfishness and bigotry. And that it is decidedly ok.
That police find crimes? That without police there to stop crime it happens but in secret. But police would only influence traffic infractions. Violent crime relies on civilian reporting. The odds of police just coming across a crime is vanishingly small.
Sure. But having the cert > ready for the cert. if only to cut out the chance of failure. Having it can give you a competitive edge. Unless you know someone. But to the individual, 300 ain’t nothing to sneeze at i know
For a new certification it looks like the online portion is $50-75 and the practical test is $150-200 so like $300 or so for the certification. It’s an investment, but qualified fork lift operators usually have better work conditions, better job prospects, better retention, and better pay than unqualified laborers. But that benefit comes with the responsibility of the equipments proper use, you can kill someone otherwise.
So if i remember my time at wal mart. They will in house certify you, which means you are not certified. They just kinda look the other way and claim there was an immediate need, then go back to justifying the immediate need.
So in order to be certified i think you need to take OSHA classes and be evaluated by a trainer to include classes and a practical.
I would either not mention it without getting the cert, be broad with description of the equipment, or take the classes.
Still trying to make the stranded in Ray cat run work over here
You need a num pad to do it right i feel. I haven’t used the number pad like that since Final Fantasy 7. But the control remapping works too
The only reason i have it was because it came with the goty edition. I wonder how many that accounts for
Lord forbid they get the password used to protect the data that they stole!
Right, by design. But when your are talking about the phenomenon casually, because the purpose and result is the same, shrinkflation seems to suffice. Are you asking for the name of the phenomena in the context of a detailed study? For that i am not sure it has a term it’s own.
Its still referred to as shrinkflation as i have seen it used. Putting filler material is just hiding the shrinkage, but the motivators and the result is the same
I would say it’s worse than that. Like knowing that you are selling exp boosters changes the calculus on how exp is earned. If the game played smoothly, there would be no need to sell the boosters and creating the eco system to support it would have been wasted. A system where certain items are nft based would push for these items to be better then the non nft items both for expectation of value, and to raise the trade value to siphon from. This already happens with games with dlc cosmetics. The gear in the games looks increasingly shit compared to the DLC. And that is a natural consequence of polluting the game space.
But why honor other companies tokens? Hell why honor your old tokens? You make the effort to create assets in your new game, are you going to just give it to a limited number of players who play both game for free, or resell it to all players? If you buy an nft for a game that then gets ignored, was it any different then a DLC, or using the steam market place to trade the item? After all i have read i don’t see where this helps players at all, and for companies, the only benefit i can see is if they pump and dump their players.
Mine is biking, it was very hot for a few weeks, and so i stopped, but now that it’s getting to be the fall and perfect biking weather… i can’t. They found a cyst aggressively growing inside my jaw and i have lost 1/3 of my jaw bone mass. The surgeon installed a marsupialization and said it will take me 10 months to grow the bone back…assuming it even can. In the mean time, the surgeon is afraid of me even eating chicken, let alone doing anything that could have me fall.
I got it working, my issue was a commented out ip_bind variable in one of the .conf files. And you can also allow the new account variable. Users just type in their account name as if logging in, and put an _M or _F at the end and the server knows to append their account info to what password they input to the login server
Though my friend swear they want that 1x rates… we shall see.
When the kids these days called the jupiteros music the roblox theme, i lost my shit. (BGM89 we have lee but you don’t have)
I don’t think it’s lazy, Button placement seems neutral in that regard. No this is most likely form over function. They do this all the time. Remember the charge cable for the mouse? They don’t want the port seen, and they didn’t want their equipment to be seen plugged in. But people are willing to buy form over function for clout. What are you going to do?