They are so coordinated it’s hard to tell by looking that’s for sure. Keeping time has always been the hardest part for me though so I find drummers and bassists pretty impressive. RIP Phil Lesh
They are so coordinated it’s hard to tell by looking that’s for sure. Keeping time has always been the hardest part for me though so I find drummers and bassists pretty impressive. RIP Phil Lesh
Before I switched hands I’d just use the right handed one backwards if I couldn’t find a lefty.
I play strings right handed. It seemed weird to me too that the off hand is doing the easy work. Playing left feels wrong like batting right does though. I guess the rhythm is easier to control with the dominant hand and hitting the wrong note/chord doesn’t matter as much when you’re in time?
There are dozens of us! Dozens!
A version of what you are saying is called cross dominance. Where a person is “handed” but users different hands for different things. For example, I write right handed but play sports and shoot left handed. I use left handed scissors but right handed hammer, screwdriver. All of the things feel awkward with the wrong hand but that hand changes with the task.
Lol now you know. That’s the most we tend to get out of some problems!
Lol wtf! Are these like novelty cursors or something? Does arch not come with a default cursor? The only thing odder to me than this problem is that two people had it! The internet is great and technology always entertaining.
Good luck friend. I found this article relating to clearing segfaults. Maybe something they’re helps. Out of my wheelhouse for advice.
Do you have backups from before your last update? If so of start there. If not, try to uninstall and reinstall the AUR packages once at a time. You probably also have some kind of option to look for broke packages and repair them with your package manager. Another thing to try would be to open say vscodium from the cli and see if it outputs anything useful when the program fails.
Edit: this isn’t an exhaustive list and I don’t use arch, but it’s what I would do if I were on a rolling distro.
Edit 2: Here’s the commands for your package manager. Make a current state backup and then start looking for your problem. Section 7 to start with from the website.
I did it in the mid to late aughts. They sold it at all the gas stations that had the weird flavored Camels that came in tins. Got bored of it eventually but it was widely sold then.
Has to be forced perspective from leaning forward
Oh shit I love that song. I might go through his hits and see if there are more I like. My parents didn’t listen to that kind of music and by the mid to late 90s that style seemed old to my kid/preteen ears. I found one Springsteen song I liked over the years, The Ghost of Tom Joad, but never connected with the wider body of work.
Apropos of nothing my thoughts on Mellencamp were always perfectly encapsulated by The Hold Steady’s lyric in Stevie Nix “…you remind me of Rod Stewart when he was young You’ve got passion and you think that you’re sexy and all the punks think that you’re dumb” but that’s just because I was an obnoxious young punk once upon a time. Thanks for the recommendation.
Oh yeah. He’s the one that sang that Diddy about jack and Diane. In my mind they are from the same generation but that may not even be the case.
Cool thanks. I get the distinction now. I use Joplin for some of the features mentioned and do like it. Notion sounds pretty neat too.
Can you expand on your last point? Where do we move to from document based software? That seems like a bigger change than the change from typewriter to word processor.
I think your complaint is similar to that of non smokers when smoke breaks were normal. What you see as preferential treatment is just how everyone should be treated.
Also, In my 20 or so years in the legitimate workforce, I have seen parents cut slack and parents get run off because the boss doesn’t like people having other priorities. In my direct experience it’s been a lot more boss dependent than anything else.
More like asSY
Ahs-see. The hard C following a vowel and preceding a long vowel makes “ck” seem wrong to me.
It’s the same motion as pulling them but in reverse.