If Jango was a motherfucker then he wouldn’t have needed to clone himself.
Founder and lead developer at Overclocked Abacus Games
If Jango was a motherfucker then he wouldn’t have needed to clone himself.
The whole premise of Disney Star Wars is that the Empire was right and you shouldn’t fight fascism.
You don’t even have to go to the website. Every Mastodon feed can be accessed via RSS. You just have to add “.rss” to the end of the URL.
I went from a Pebble Time to a Bangle.js 2. I miss the button-based interface that the Pebble had (the Bangle uses a touch-screen for most interaction) but otherwise it’s been a decent replacement.
Windows 98 was supported until almost a year after Windows XP’s release, so nobody really had to use Millennium Edition. Windows 10’s support is ending in October and no new version has been announced.
Remove the Cone of Shame.
Attach the Cone of Triumph!
Probably an octopus. They can look like anything.
I wish I could go to sleep at any time of day with just a bucket.
Is the “texture and mesh streaming” the only roadblock to making large, open-world games with Godot, or are there other things that need to be implemented before Godot is a suitable engine for that sort of thing?
So is this the one with the telephone sanitizers?
The most well-known visual representation of Winnie-The-Pooh is still copyrighted.
Nah, even I have a “too easy” threshold sometimes
That’s what she said.
Not. Fucking. Yet.
Seven-six-two millimetre, full metal jacket.
*Mole Patrol
Got fed up with the wet trays in the Death Star cafeteria?
The little girl is the demon’s familiar.
Good grief.