I just beat evil West and cyberpunk 2077. I’ve been playing through death’s stranding and today I booted up Chernobylite and I’m having a great time.
I just beat evil West and cyberpunk 2077. I’ve been playing through death’s stranding and today I booted up Chernobylite and I’m having a great time.
I absolutely loved void bastards. This looks like an insta-buy for me. Those gun animations were slick.
Yeah I don’t know what everyone is talking about. Visually, it looks cool.
I didn’t know anyone even remembered this game.
Seemingly, this doesn’t fix the tampered game file issue with steam deck users. Maybe it isn’t everyone but I can stay in the umbral as long as I want and the crimson reaper will never spawn and I can’t go online or get achievements.
Thanks for the post!
Yep, beat the game and enjoyed my time doing so. 40 fps was good but it would have been better at 60. Still, all around a super fun game.
Yeah the definitive edition sale came in clutch. I only had the base game and the tech priest on PS5 but now I have the sororitas and the mission dlcs all for a tenner on steam. Should pair nicely with the steam deck.
As far as controls go, use the steam input to remap whatever controller you have to the games native keyboard inputs to your liking.
When it comes to dosbox, I’m not sure what you can do but I believe I read that steam has a native Linux platform for some of those older platforms like dosbox. Maybe that could alleviate the sound issues?
Just went home and beat the arch bishop in like 5 tries. So far I think my equipment load jumped 20 pts with no additional leveling of capacity. Very nice.
I normally don’t like adventure games without combat but yuppie psycho is absolutely amazing. I love that game.
I just played through the game a few months back and I thought it was awesome. I hope we get something else like it in the future. The ammo was never too scarce, there were enough upgrades to make the combat very satisfying. But I also played it after all the updates came out to kind of balance.
We talking bout Goliath, Hudson, Bronx, Brooklyn and the rest of the gang? Them gargoyles?
I just picked up the corsairs mp600 1tb and an nvme enclosure to clone my drive for about 130 all together.
Rebel galaxy is awesome. Broadside combat with a smile. I hope you’re enjoying it.