No one is going to behead you if you get the ages wrong for some reason.
But as you said, it’s only done in very very formal situations. Usually army/navy/airforce dinners and such. You almost never see it anywhere else.
No one is going to behead you if you get the ages wrong for some reason.
But as you said, it’s only done in very very formal situations. Usually army/navy/airforce dinners and such. You almost never see it anywhere else.
I feel like this is a global thing but here it goes When serving dinner the women are served first, then the men. They do this from oldest to youngest.
So, first person to get food/wine/water/wtv served is the oldest woman, and the last person to be served is the youngest man…
Edit: I got the tittle wrong I thought it was only formal setting stuff. This is only done in very formal settings. Like an extremely important ceremony on the military branches of my country for instance.
Borderlands 2 was a blast. I don’t think I’ve ever finished it sadly but I played it so much with friends
To be fair, on the meme they aren’t saying communism is the solution (although there any many memes that do).
I think it’s easy to criticise capitalism because people live with it on a daily basis. If these people lived under communism they would criticise it somehow.
This kinda reminds me of something I heard someone say. It’s something like “Democracy is shit. But it’s the best shit we have”.
Is capitalism right? Nope. But I don’t feel like communism would be a solution either. But I’m all up for criticising whatever needs criticising otherwise things don’t improve/change.
Also speaking as an European we might not have it as bad as the US (which is where most people are from here). Just the fact that our healtcare is free is a huge plus. When I was younger I dreamt about living in the US or even just going to NY, SF etc. Now I’m afraid I might get shot, get a huge hospital bill and come back broke. 👌
(sorry, this comment turned out a lot longer than I wanted it to. ADHD is a bitch)
I mostly don’t like the movement. Feels very… “floaty”. Also the fact that when it released it only had controller mapping icons for the tool tips (this is how I remember it. Don’t know if they fixed it afterwards.)
I’m playing with a mouse mad keyboard ffs, just tell me which key to press. I don’t know wtf L3 is on a keyboard.
The world and story looks very interesting. I really want to like it… But I don’t.
This is me yesterday… And other days… And then I can’t fall asleep because I am too worried that I should be asleep already and that I have to wake up early. This causes my absolute favourite feedback loop.
Sometimes I just love being a human being :')
That does usually work! But when I feel like eating crap the lady thing that comes to my mind is looking myself in the mirror.
It does sometimes happen afterwards and I wonder why I did it. It’s getting better. I’ll get there. :)
Started during covid to avoid going outside, plus I had one of the big players in food delivery as a client, so I got a monthly 20€ voucher. That got me hooked.
I got used to it, became lazier, completely got cooking out of my routine and I the process gained 30Kg that I’m now slowly trying to get off for the past 6months or so.
In a nutshell, I got addicted to junk food and was too lazy to go get it. Also had enough money to allow me to do it, even if I shouldn’t for health and economic reasons… Could be saving for something like the down-payment on a house but nope. Spending it on junkfood+delivery (luckily tipping isn’t a thing here).
Trying to break that habit now.
As a bonus: I ordered a lot from BurgerKing. Until the end of 2022 they had free delivery above 12€. I’d easily get to the 12€.
Around January 2023 they changed the website to offer delivery ABOVE 15€ and that was crap because my orders usually didn’t go that high. Turns out they fucked it up when coding it and if you managed to get exactly 15€ it would completely bypass this check and give you free delivery.
Someone needs to go back to basic math >= :)
Unfortunately they fixed it in early November. Good thing though as it might discourage me from ordering even further.
India is absolutely leaning (hard) towards Russia. They probably never bought gas/oil and fertiliser so cheap.
10K€ would pay me some debts and allow me to buy a new(er) car than my old ass '93 corsa.
I love the thing to death since it has so much meaning for me. But I really wish it had AC and power steering. Parking on tight spots is hell, but on the upside gets me a quick workout :')
Is it because your life is amazing as is? :')
Fuck man, if I had more money I’d buy you the steam page :(
Hope you can get that soon! Maybe your indie might just be what you need to get your financial freedom :) good luck!
Hilarious. As a non native English speaker, that took me a few seconds to get. But it’s so good lmao, I’m stealing this one.
I’m disappointed Spain isn’t the jesus portrait restoration gone wrong. That shit is hilarious.
Yeah I was really looking forward for LoR being a big hearthstone fan. However the way the turns work just never clicked with me. My brother on the other hand completely abandoned HS and only plays LoR now. The cards and the effects are amazing though, it’s one of those games I feel sad I don’t like it hahaha
Also very hyped for arcane season 2. A bit frustrating that it will take so long but, if it means it’s as high quality as the first one them I’m all for it.
League of legends.
Absolutely despised it, thought it was just pointless since progress doesn’t really carry over from match to match, so what’s the point?
Eventually gave it a go back in 2011 and never got rid of it. Took me a while to get into it too, I’d only play because of my brother and with friends on teamspeak but eventually got reeeeally into it.
These days I don’t have time, or at least don’t want to invest it, for rankeds or even SR (5x5) so I mostly play ARAMs and some of the riot forge games (LOTRK, song of nunu). Looking forward for the mmo, really love the universe and I loved the TV show too.
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