Wenn du zur Miete wohnst: Vermieter*in nerven. Wenn nach einer Erinnerung nichts passiert mit Mietminderung drohen. Dann kümmern die sich schon. Wenn’s dein Eigentum ist: Wasser nachfüllen und beobachten. Wenns nicht besser wird, Fachfirma anrufen.
No, no OS “borks” itself. You just didnt realise what you did and why it borked your system in the end. This happens to Windows-Users too. I ended up reinstalling so many Windows machines and the user always told me they didn
t do anything. I use Linux for about three years now and had to reinstall several times, because I made mistakes I couldn`t identify as mistakes at that moment. Sometimes Linux is complicated and you have to search for a solution. If you would have used Linux your whole life an switched to Windows, your experience would be very similar.
Is biking also implemented? Unrelated: Standard kommt nicht von Standarte ;)