I really hope so! It seems like such a no brainer, get a studio to remake the bulk of it and keep creative control. I came into TES world in Skyrim and would love to go back through them but I’m a snob for a modern looking game now.
I really hope so! It seems like such a no brainer, get a studio to remake the bulk of it and keep creative control. I came into TES world in Skyrim and would love to go back through them but I’m a snob for a modern looking game now.
What @NOT_RICK@lemmy.world said. Console war nonsense. Any excuse to make it look like one side is winning or whatnot but then again it made people click on the article and see the adverts which apparently is all it takes these days to churn out BS articles.
I am lucky enough to have both the PS5 and the Xbox and personally find very little to pick out between them. I prefer XB controller but think the PS5 one is better quality with the haptic feedback. I love Game Pass and have found tremendous value in it, more so than in PlayStations version though PS still manage to get exclusives.
Mind you the way some of these articles sound is that the whole Xbox gaming division is on its knees and doesn’t sell a machine or make a penny.
How often do you use it unfolded versus folded? Are there certain things you prefer one or the other?
Hope you don’t mind the questions! What model do you have?
Nice one. I have vastly cut down on Amazon spending to try and buy more things locally. I wish there was a local app we could use (Scotland) which collated local sellers and their items, would rather pay more to get them from here instead of Amazon when I can’t drive there.
Paying for Prime then getting adverts anyway. Arseholes.
A former royal palace not too far away from me (20 mins) has the oldest Royal/Real tennis court in Britain, in Falkland, Scotland.
It’s becoming the evolved form of the paper clip from 90s MS word.
I use iCloud as I’m in deep with the Apple ecosystem but opened Tuta and have been happy with it so far!
For real. I switch between these two when I want to know what’s happening in the world then want to forget what’s happening in the world cos it’s depressing.
Not that it isn’t interesting but isn’t this meant to be for memes?
Really like Michelle Yeoh but found the character odd. Like everyone was mourning her when she left but she had been a dick to almost everyone.
Then again I generally detest alternate universe BS myself, always have to skip TNG, Voyager etc episodes that cover it.
The excitement of getting one of the original bad boys for Christmas and being glued to Super Mario and Tetris for years. Then Pokémon Yellow. Was pure magic.
I’d like to be optimistic but I found the Emperor Georgiou to be such a dreadful character (not the fault of Michelle Yeih who is fab) and can’t root for her at all. When they had the sending off for her in Discovery and everyone was sad when she was horrible to them all it felt so contrived and forced. To see her lead a movie is an odd choice.
Amazing game, one I can just pick up and play, choose a direction and just take my time with Arthur on his horse and whatever he comes across