Thank you for posting this, it sums it up nicely. A little heartbroken to see vampire nerfed, but a lot of the changes are good.
Thank you for posting this, it sums it up nicely. A little heartbroken to see vampire nerfed, but a lot of the changes are good.
Steam: Your friend is playing Mass Effect 3!
Currently throwing money at an Asari stripper
I doubt it? I’m not sure how it works but I could definitely see it working without having to transfer any data at all. All it has to be is a glorified QI charger and the phone can auto-update itself from Apple’s servers just like any other iPhone.
My biggest issue with starfield is that it ended there. Like literally right when it got good imo. Imagine if they continued on and you did the whole time traveling thing with a dedicated story instead of just a new game+ thing. Not super original, but definitely would’ve been better than what we got.
I’ve literally been thinking, man I wish I could play this on my phone everywhere.
Steam does a next fest pretty regularly now to showcase indie games
Yeah, cause they don’t QA the shit and break it.
I was literally looking for something like this today, neat.
Obsidian. It can backup to GitHub or anywhere really. All the files are markdown and easily readable on their own. They don’t need to be opened with obsidian.
Why post this anti-Semitic shit
The madlads actually did it. It only took them 2 years to put in a feature from the first game.
You shouldn’t do this. Why would you do this
That’s why I only use TempleOS
I encountered a similar issue with NFS a very long time ago. I had to set the option for each of my NFS exports to have a fsid and make sure the fsid is different between them. So one folder has the option fsid=1 Second folder has fsid=2 and so on. I hope this helps point you in the right direction.
Dos2 is on switch
Another user posted a link to Calibre-Web in this thread and I would def use that instead of this.
Doesn’t this say to “reply to a first offender off-line” or did you not even read it.
Seems kind of meh