I’m sorry about your head injury.
I’m sorry about your head injury.
I didn’t really have that expectation. I knew most of the worlds would be mostly empty. But every bounty location, for example, was one of those twenty buildings and they could have at least put in some light variations. I thoroughly enjoyed the game, and as you said, I’m just waiting for the Creation Kit and mods to get back into it.
I think the lack of distinct culture, in the way of little world building touches, was one of the drawbacks. The main one for me was the recycling of the same 20 buildings in the procedural world generation, down to the the three mines outside the entrance and the dead scientist halfway up the stairs. But I think that is where modders can help the game, by doing a sims settlement style mod where people can create their own variations and new buildings and insert them into the world generator. They’ll probably get rid of the map limits and add a truck or motorbike within a month too.
I’m sorry about your head injury.