To be fair though, there are way more cows than crocodiles, snakes, sharks or deadly spiders in the UK.
To be fair though, there are way more cows than crocodiles, snakes, sharks or deadly spiders in the UK.
Adding to what the other comments have already said: Don’t bring an unleashed dog on a cow pasture. You’d think that’s common sense, but apparently it’s a bit of a meme in Austria and Switzerland that every few months some German get’s trampled by cows because their totally friendly dog ran towards the cows and they felt threatened.
Legendary you say? Relatively unknown outside of Germany (and other German speaking countries) you say?
Let me introduce you to Dschinghis Khan by Dschingis Khan
(99 Luftballons, which was mentioned here before, is arguably the bigger hit that really everyone knows. But I couldn’t resist throwing this out there. It was a huge hit and is still known.)
Einfach direkt Kinder verbieten. Löst auch das CO2-Problem langfristig.
Gehört zu den “vielen mehr” nicht auch der Kinderschutzbund? Diese Kinderschutz-Gegner immer!
Dass du nächstes Jahr ein 2 für 1 Angebot finden wirst, möchte ich nicht garantieren, aber generell sind Sonnencremeangebote zu Beginn des Sommers üblich, ja.
Mit dem auf Vorrat kaufen wäre ich bei Sonnencreme vorsichtig, weil der Schutz irgendwann nachlässt. Geöffnet sollte man sie normalerweise nicht mehr im nächsten Sommer verwenden. Geschlossen ist das bestimmt länger, aber ich persönlich bin da lieber auf der sicheren Seite.
Ich weiß nicht, ob das woanders anders war, aber als ich letzte Woche in Stuttgart war, hab ich “Lasst euch nicht die Autos wegnehmen” Wahlplakate der CDU gesehen. Das ist ein wörtliches Zitat, kein sinngemäßes.
I’m sorry, I never can resist poking the bear.
It must be unbearable for them.
“Look what you make me do!”
Wenn ihr mir nichts von euren Ersparnissen abgebt, muss ich es mir auf die gröbste Art, die mir von einfällt, bei den Bürgern holen.
You have to have brown skin to be an economic refugee. Otherwise you’re just an expat making a smart economic move. It’s very different!
I’ve wondered if there is any way to get an US library card as a non-citizen for a while and this thread got me to finally do the research. The Queens Public Library apparently issues cards to non-US-residents for 50$/year. I have yet to look into it more thoroughly and check out the catalogue. But considering the number of Audiobooks I listen to, it seems like a good deal.
My guess would be motion sickness.
Der “Paketshop”: Ein gammeliger AWG mit unfreundlichem Personal und Öffnungszeiten von 9:00-18:00.
Find das auch immer interessant, wie das als Begründung angeführt wird, dass es da ja kein Sexismusproblem gäbe. Das Problem liegt halt einfach eine Ebene drüber.
Eigentlich auch den Führerschein generell. Kann man ja selbst am besten einschätzen, ob man Auto fahren kann oder nicht.
Think about it like this: There is an almost endless amount of stuff around us at any given moment that we could be aware of. If we factor in the things that are not actually there but we can still think about, then there are infinitely many things we could be paying attention to at any moment.
But we only have a finite amount of energy to do it. The more energy we use to think about one thing the less energy remains to think about everything else.
I wouldn’t say that we are ignoring things when we concentrate. Because to me when you ignore something you are actually aware of it but choose to ignore it. When you concentrate, you just don’t have enough energy left to be aware of other things.
I used to have this problem, too. Both when trying to fall asleep in the evening and after waking up in the middle of the night for any reason.
What really helps me is putting on an audiobook or podcast that I like but already know (this part is important because otherwise I will just listen to it for the rest of the night because I want to know what happens) and setting the volume to very low. I set the sleep timer to 15 minutes and most of the time I’m asleep way before it turns off.
I had to experiment a bit to find audiobooks that hit the sweet spot of being engaging enough to keep my mind from wandering but not so much that I can’t drift of to sleep but once I found a few, it’s been a real game changer.
I don’t think it’s rude or disrespectful to not want to see posts you don’t understand.
In theory there is an option in the settings where you can select languages (if you are using an app and can’t find it there, look with a browser). The thing is that (as I understand it) this language filter only works if a language is selected for a post. Since the language selection when creating a post is not implemented in all apps and many people don’t care, many posts are not tagged with a language and they will slip through the filter. You could deselect “Undefined” and only keep “English” but then you will probably miss a lot of English posts as well.
I don’t think I do know actually. But here’s an attempt at answering this question anyway:
We are usually very quick at relating sickness or even discomfort to the food we ate at the time or slightly before. This is a very valuable trait to avoid food that is unhealthy or even poisonous. But it’s only based on correlation, so it can turn us off food that is not actually causing the sickness but we just happened to eat at the time.