So Communism is:
achieved by Socialist states
takes a long time
never been achieved before
I wonder why it hasn’t been achieved before.
Yes, I am talking about why you think Communism is the solution to inequality but it just hasn’t achieved it yet after centuries of existing.
Then you moved the goalpost to claim that communism has never been achieved.
So let’s talk about that now.
Why do you think Communism has never been achieved but at the same time think it is capable of solving inequality?
Just because something hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it is guaranteed to happen in the future.
I didn’t think that I needed to explain that to you. I was wrong. Sorry.
I am not saying things can’t happen if they haven’t happened yet.
I am saying if Socialism and Communism have existed for centuries and that whole time they have had disparity. What reason is there to believe that disparity cannot exist in socialist or communist economies?
If it just needs to be “based in logical progression of real systems” to achieve the goal, then why has it not succeeded yet after centuries of existence?
If I can take your exact same argument and use it against Capitalism in pre-revolution France
My argument that disparity is caused by people pursuing power and not economic systems?
Please explain how your example of France proves my argument wrong.
Goals are nice. But we are talking about how to achieve an economic system that actually achieves this. Not just sets goals to.
You are claiming Communism and Socialism can do it but when I ask for an example you say they just haven’t done it yet.
If they have existed for centuries but haven’t achieved their goals yet what makes you think they can?
There are still hierarchies in socialist economies. Thats why there is still disparity in socialist economies.
Do you have an example of one of these socialist societies where everyone has equal power?
You can account for bad actors and power-seekers woth egalitarian distribution of power and a prevention against gaining in power.
How? Without stating how this is accomplished, you’re response is only really saying,
‘you can account for bad actors and power-seekers by living in a perfect world where bad people don’t exist’
If there were an economic system that achieved that it would be a utopia. I don’t know of any utopias on earth.
Not every economic system, economic systems that place significant barriers against ballooning of individual wealth off exploitation see less disparity, and thus less of an impact of money on politics.
You say not every economic system, but then you say less disparity, less impact.
Less disparity means there is still disparity. Less impact means there is still impact.
Because like I said, as long as there are human beings who want more power, there will be a struggle in any economic systems to prevent disparity.
That is because it isn’t the economic system that deregulates or undermines protections.
It is those who seek more power who deregulate and undermine protections.
And those people exist in all types of economic systems.
Even capitalist America had a point in history where disparity was low and the middle class and lower class thrived.
That is no longer the case because of those who removed regulations and changed the laws to suite themselves. And again, those people exist in every type of economy.
Not from “the west” from “the rich”. There are rich people in every type of economy that use their money to gain more power. One of the many ways that is done is with propaganda to convince those with less that the rich in power are not the problem.
Just look at the oligarchs in Russia.
“Soon after electing their first CEO the rest of the monkeys starved to death”.
Agreed, almost every profession has advanced to the point where they require specialization. Everything has become so complex that being a jack of all trades means you fail at them all. Even trade skills have specialization: carpenters specialize in framing or cabinetry or furniture, mechanics specialize in specific machines or sub-systems like engines or transmissions, etc.
But it seems most of the people responsible for filling these positions haven’t realized this yet or don’t know enough about the jobs they are hiring for.
The only perspective was a wishlist of responsibilities for a software developer.
It seems delusional to pretend one developer “should” do the job of a whole team.
What is this trash? It reads like an AI hallucination.
Insurance contracts are written/worded in a way that allow denial of most claims without much effort. But hard to understand so it is unnoticed by the customer and only the claims adjuster that has read the contract a thousand times would notice.
The difference is…
a publicly traded insurance company is required by the shareholders that fund it to make larger profits, every year, year after year, forever.
They attempt to achieve this impossible goal of infinite growth by denying more and more claims, while charging more.
A government program like universal healthcare does not need to deny claims. Universal healthcare serves the voters that voted for it. Not shareholders that push companies to destroy themselves for infinite growth.
And universal health care isn’t insurance so I’m not sure what you’re trying to say.
When I was a kid my dads house caught on fire. The fire was caused by old wiring so the insurance claim was denied.
They weren’t worried about verifying the condition of the wiring when they were collecting my dad’s insurance payments. And they didn’t return the money he paid into it after denying the claim. So we ended up homeless even after my father had spent all that money on insurance to prevent it.
If he had all those insurance payments in a bank account we could’ve at least afforded a hotel or apartment while we figured out what to do.