Less YouTube
Less YouTube
Been grinding Deep Rock Galactic Survivor
Found myself doing “tips and tricks” research already, so I think it’s safe to say I’ll be dumping a lot of time into the game
Deep Rock Galactic Survivor. I like to play casual games after work to de-stress a bit. Mostly tower defense games. Hoping this one will work well
My ass! My ass! My beautiful ass!
Game: Halo 3 Book: The Kingkiller Chronicles Movie: Harry Potter series (yes, I hate Rowling, but I can’t move on yet) Show: Doctor Who. Been rewatching nuwho with my wife and it’s like I’ve become insatiable for more. Been reading the books, comics, and audio plays. Gonna try Torchwood after
Years ago I finally nuked my Windows dual boot after one of their updates broke it. I still remember my laptop booting into Windows and being so confused. Haven’t missed it once.
IMO the Windows Store is why valve has invested heavily into gaming on Linux. Windows Store could easily become a huge Steam Store competitor if Microsoft were an effective company. So Valve wants to enable devices that don’t run Windows. Numerous other benefits for something like the Steam Deck as well, but I’d bet we see another Steam Machine someday - probably after they convince more companies to support Linux
Oh also, I snack a lot less and have lost weight. The initial reason I cut out media was in the evenings all I would do is snack and watch stuff until bed. And I NEVER actually felt ready for bed. Maybe I’d be tired, but there was some existential dread or something that I was wasting my life and not pursuing my interests.
Cutting out my bad media habits worked for me (social media on my phone every minute of free time, and hours of Youtube in the evenings). Days feel longer, I’ve been reading a lot, finding time to exercise and finish projects (even during the work week). Also, my sleep has improved.
It’s a bit complicated, but the answer is it is sort of possible for anyone who is dead and didn’t have their ordinances done to get to the highest kingdom. Mormons famously baptize dead people, they also do other ordinances for dead people. The belief is that it allows the dead person to then accept or deny the ordinances. They believe that in the afterlife before resurrection there is still the opportunity to be taught the Mormon gospel. That combined with someone doing your ordinances for you and you’re good.
They believe dead people are doing missionary work to other dead people in the spirit world before resurrection (which I think happens after the second coming). I’ve heard that the second coming won’t happen until everyone (alive and dead) has had the opportunity to accept the Mormon truth.
Haha, I see. There’s some really good ex-Mormon jokes about how the highest tier of heaven (Celestial Kingdom) is boring and white and reverent and then the third tier (Telestial Kingdom) is a 24/7 rave. If given a choice on where I want to spend my afterlife, I’d probably consider the company I’d end up spending eternity with.
General connotation of Hell though is that it’s a miserable place
Haha, I love this idea. Unfortunately with more context on the religion, it’s obvious why none of them would come to this conclusion. So there’s actually 3 tiers of Heaven (and then Hell which is called “outer darkness”). Only by knowing “the truth” and completing all your ordinances on Earth, can you get into the top tier (the “Celestial kingdom”). Without those things, you can only get into the second tier by being a good person, no higher. Everyone else gets tier 3 - which is said to be such a paradise that if we knew how great it was we’d opt out of life early to get there. But also in the lower levels we’re supposed to have eternal regret for not being worthy of better.
So Mormons believe that by spreading the truth they’re enabling a person to achieve a higher tier afterlife. Outer Darkness isn’t really a concern because “why would anyone ever deny the one true religion and one way to have true happiness on Earth, after they’ve received it.” When I was taught these lessons, I was even told that sons of perdition were exceptionally rare because almost no one ever leaves the church. Never expected to become one myself! The internet has not been good for the Mormon church and in recent years they’ve been bleeding members and trying to rebrand.
I guess you could say that I came to your conclusion, but in reality I just don’t believe the religion is true and see parts of it as harmful so not really… I’ll probably joke around with my siblings with your idea though
Not saying anyone deserves eternal punishment for finite sins, but I do believe I’m more moral than Hitler - so it seems a but unfair to me. And silly for them to believe it’s true.
I was raised Mormon (LDS) and there are parallels; basically they believe Mormonism is the one true and complete denomination of Christianity and once you learn this, you need to spread that truth (mandatory 2 year missions for men, and a STRONG culture of missionary work through life), also, no one goes to hell in Mormonism except those who learned this truth and then later denied it/left it (called a son of perdition).
So my parents believe I’ll go to hell without the likes of Hitler because he never was taught “the truth” lol
Probably gonna have a season pass and battle royale mode
Bought halo MCC for my brother, very excited to coop those campaigns. Very sad no split screen
Got one a few years back and I’ve been getting the emails that I’ll lose my purchases if I don’t make a meta account and I won’t. Bye bye beatsaber. I’ll wait for a better inside out steamvr headset in a couple generations
Mountain bike - on my second bike now, my favorite hobby and form of exercise, excuse to get in nature with my dog, explored a lot of my state because of it.
Kobo e-reader. The night light is amazing, I used to use a neck light for night reading to not wake my wife but this is way better. Easier to travel. The dyslexic font helps my dyslexic ass like 10% too which makes a huge difference in me reading more.
My first raspberry pi in Jr high led to a career in software. Still love pis, and have even more toys now
Since I’m dramatic I burned a bunch of things my ex gave me in my parents’ backyard. Years later I noticed my brother had a metal necklace with some discoloration. It was one I burned lol. I felt too weird to tell him.