Unfortunately, you’re both wrong 🙂
Unfortunately, you’re both wrong 🙂
The links themselves are not encrypted, only the data packets
Giving a serious answer with serious consideration that follows serious rules, is impossible with religion, as all the rules are made up, there’s no consistency, and they’re all silly.
The image of a 4 inch tall human towering over a bird amuses me.
Totally. We had to switch to round nobs on the doors for this very thing.
The canonical example of: life is what you make of it.
Was going to post this. Not very sanitary (hand washing first is required) or attractive, but it is good for your immune system in the long run. Ken Jennings, the jeopardy guy mentions it in his book.
This is a non issue. It’s like saying hackers used a programming language to write malicious code.
Of course they did. How else would they do it?
They’re just using the Godot engine (C#) to do it instead of the python interpreter.
Yeah, if the fascist overthrow of democracy only had tariffs to worry about, we’d be doing well.
Glad someone mentioned this gem
Yeah, it is. Always check the hands. They’re fucked up on the cigarette guy and the guy presumably with cancer.
Oh man, blast from the past.
That was my jam, way, way, way, way back when ;)
Was a RR10 Enchanter and RR10 Blademaster, plus a TL for both classes. I think my account is still lifetime comped.
Put wayyyy too much time into that :P
Yeah, pretty much. This and Discord really. Signal for P2P messaging.
I was working in the IT admin office for a time while doing software development, and got to witness this guy who came in to have his laptop fixed/swapped; and he said “You guys don’t like, check the laptops for files and stuff, right?”.
And the IT guy was legendary, didn’t skip a beat, was like “Nah, nah, we don’t have time for that crap.”.
As soon as the guy was out of the room, we checked his laptop’s files.
Porn. So much porn. Like, gigs of it, and this was in the early 2000’s when that meant a lot.
We went to HR, and they called him up and reviewed, and SOMEHOW, he dodged the bullet and they retained him. The reason? It was his porn. You read that right. He had gigs of porn of him banging his stripper GF on his laptop, and because it wasn’t “downloaded” porn, he got off.
Then a month later he was let go when he was found taking pictures with his cell phone over the cubicle wall of a female employee without her knowledge.
But I’ll never forget the mental gymnastics that happened to convince HR that porn only meant pictures of “other people” being naked, not himself and his GF.
Economics is poorly understood by the vast majority of Americans. To most people, it is purely political.
When the one brain cell is color blind
Closer to 96/95% now ;) But yeah, your point stands. What’s even worse about this, is I’m working on a dual citizenship with Portugal, so I should have had more self-awareness than I showed ;)
Ok, I missed the sarcasm and allusion to the US as the country you were talking about. That’s fair.
I assumed the OP was asking the question for the US. Which of course, is the thing people in my country do. Assume everything is about us ;)
We won’t be around, but Unix time will be.