Yea ShadPS4 is great. PCSX4 is a scam not sure why thats even a thing.
Yea ShadPS4 is great. PCSX4 is a scam not sure why thats even a thing.
I’m playing Bloodborne for the first time (emulator). Before that I was playing Far Cry 1 for the first time as well. Far cry was much harder, so far at least.
I feel this way about a lot of RTX implementations.
Wow this is way cleaner than google. Just straight text search results for the most part.
Looks like that was removed from Steam a while back. It had a single player campaign from what I read.
NMS was such a mixed bag for me. I spent over a hundred hours on it yet still walked away wondering what there was to do in the game.
I’ve never played any BF games. Do they have good single player campaigns?
Behold, the cyclopean horrors of golf revealed!
I tried to play this but I’m not a fan of MMOs. I couldn’t do the fetch quests and just clicking on boxes for combat. I kept ending up wandering into these really remote areas and getting lost too.
I would hope someone takes this world and updates the graphics and maybe even provide an updated RPG experience because it is truly amazing. There are so few good Tolkien based games out there which is nuts because there is so much lore to pull from.
My favorite aspect was the B-movie feel to the whole thing. I was dying when my character got punted right in the face out of a flying helicopter. I wish I could find more games with some humor like that.