Then you’d be wasting your Vote on a candidate with zero chance at election.
Then you’d be wasting your Vote on a candidate with zero chance at election.
People who claim GIMP isn’t up to Photoshop inevitably reveal the only actual issue is that they learned photoshop first.
hmmm, doubt. But I’ll wait and see…
It is a “mostly only exists in the minds of those reporting it” thang just as it was originally. Yup, same nazi fucks posting their teen fascist fan fic last time are posting it this time and just as then, and as always back through time. No one would even know the less than a dozen wack jobs existed if the media didn’t amplify their message for rage bait clicks.
look how much deeper blade three cut with a single stroke! Are you sure you want to go with brand 4?
So I what you are saying that we should ban all DEI activity, ban a bunch of books, and regulate Women’s bodily autonomy? /s
Johnny Silverhand did nothing wrong.
At some point you have to see that you are posting Pootie’s ‘both sides’ bullshit.
It most likely isn’t socialism either. However it could have a communist economic system, it is just very likely to be massively corrupt.
But it is the ignorance regarding the subject that results in not listening to the Scientists. People are ignorant of the proper definition and use of ignorance.
And those examples would involve a speech about the Prime would they not?
“More of a set of guidelines” Kirk and Picard in unison with a chorus of “Exactly” from every other Federation Officer or Official except any featured in anything involving a speech about the prime directive by that episode’s primary cast.
Ignores that common folk can neither buy at spot nor sell at spot.
If best, good, and neutral are all unachievable, bad is the best you can chose. The only thing you are showing is a lack of actual consideration of the position you are taking.
You ignored “actually achievable” in your consideration and thus equated all falsely.
Simply a side effect of successful user growth without adequate growth in moderation of the user base. Same thing has happened on every forum since the first BBS
Going to be a whole new world of monetization to satisfy the share holders.
Got numerous friends that prove you wrong.
They’ve tried and failed multiple times before. They refuse to learn.
Privacy browser and chromium (ie Google) is an oxymoron.
If you choose chromium, you are trusting google with your data. Brave remains nothing but a UI for API calls to google services.