I’m sorry, I’m just insecure because I’m a small boi myself with a 8D shaft
I’m sorry, I’m just insecure because I’m a small boi myself with a 8D shaft
Compensating for something are we? /s
Source: I made it the fuck up
He is the Messiah!
A couple of reasons:
First of all what one wants in terms of faucet designs is very personal. As such there are many many models to choose from. This makes each model in be produced in relatively low quantities, and be more expensive. If everyone would use the exact same faucet, they would be basically free. And you do see some models being used in new construction that are very cheap indeed, just because of the higher volumes.
Second of all, the tolerances and finishing involved. It’s relatively easy to make a faucet that works, the designs have been perfected long ago and modern manufacturing can easily produce a working model. However to create a faucet that feels nice, that doesn’t make weird noises, opens and closes smoothly etc. is a lot harder. I’ve had cheap faucets before, one of those single handle deals. It would take more force that I would like to open the tap, at which point it shoots open so water sprays out. The range in temperature is insanely hot to insanely cold with only a tiny single spot of normal temperature in between.
Third reason is they are made from a lot of parts and with materials that need to be handled really delicately. Chrome finishes that scratch easily when handled in properly, leading to the whole thing becoming instant scrap. This leads to hand assembly being the only option. And often it involves a lot of small parts that need to be placed just so. This adds a lot of cost.
Fourth reason is the materials themselves, often quite expensive to start with. Large parts being machined out of a single piece. By definition everything needs to be corrosion resistant. And it’s one of the products where we still expect them to last 15-20 years easily. Not like the consumerism that’s forced a 5 year lifespan to be called long in the modern world. The finishing coatings are often chemically applied with expensive materials and taking a long time. And a fully polished finish also takes time and is often done by hand and takes some skill.
Fifth reason is brand names. Just like with any designer thing, brand names and designers are a large part of the costs. You can often find designer faucets for outrageous prices and cheap knock offs that can be trash or sometimes even better than the original for half the price.
I liked 3 and 4 fine, but I loved 5. It had mediocre gameplay, but the story and missions were fun, with a lot of Easter eggs. Especially in multi player coop it was pretty fun.
I absolutely despised 6. It was bland and very broken on release. It also felt like 3 games shoved together that didn’t really fit or interact. I later found it this was because that was exactly what they did. Due to covid the people working on it didn’t really work together and the end result was a total mismatch. The story was very predictable and not worth it, even though they marketed the hell out of it. The side stories were mostly absent and not interesting at all. The game lacked any humor and wasn’t self aware like 5 was. The amounts of crashes and bugs made the game borderline unplayable when it came out. And these weren’t the funny amount of jank I enjoy kind of crashes, these were proper game breaking bugs. There was no enemy variation at all and a lot of copy paste assets. To the point that every checkpoint that needed to be liberated had the exact same layout and enemies, down to the spawn location. The weapons and enemy strength made no sense at all. You’d use a big ass gun upgraded with special armor piercing bullets, shoot a regular dude right in the head and he would just shrug it off and keep going. The AI was also a joke, with enemies not reacting at all to what you did, just milling about and shooting at random. The game would send out special forces, which would promptly give up once you rode down the street. Some random pleb enemy on a corner could however snipe you at 300m somehow. The whole game made absolutely no sense.
The only interesting part was the firework backpack, but even this one fell pretty flat. There was one that was pretty OP, so that’s the one most people used. Which is a shame, because fucking around with different packs could have been interesting. These were also broken on release, where most of the times the rockets would clip into the character model and just explode. So instead of doing damage and helping in a fight, you’d just blow yourself up.
I played a good amount of Far Cry 5, 100% completing it a couple of times. I did the story for Far Cry 6 and some of the side stuff in about 12 hours, then uninstalled the game and never played it again. I was so disappointed, Far Cry is dead to me.
This game is awesome. Fair warning tho: it is hard af
Even in a unjust world mob justice isn’t justice. This means a mob deciding someone is guilty and acting out punishment is unjust. But also a mob deciding a crime should go unpunished is unjust.
There’s plenty wrong with how insurance works and plenty wrong with the justice system. But instead of giving up, we should be trying to fix these issues. It’s all to easy to give in to our basic instincts and point to someone to blame. We punish them instead of fixing the issues. Killing one ceo might feel good, but it doesn’t really change the big picture and in fact constitutes layer upon layer of failure. We should be better than that. History is full of people (singular and groups) being used as a scape goat to deflect and feel like something is being done, whilst in fact not actually fixing anything and just feeding hate.
Also in a capitalist world, the people with the most money have the most power. If we collectively decide it’s open warfare, purge style distopia, they are going to have the upper hand. So purely from a self interest point of view, it would be better to work on fixing shit instead of reverting to monke.
We always put a couple of bells on the bottom of the tree. Because they are shiny and round, the cats always go for them first. This alerts us and we can verbally berate them for messing with the tree. This works most of the time to keep them in check. Even when I’m upstairs and I hear the bells I call down: “I know what you are doing” and they slink off. Sometimes they just ignore me and play with the tree anyways, which is fine because the bottom row is all plastic balls they can play with as much as they like.
I remember the first time one of our cats saw a Christmas tree, when he was a little kitten. I turned around for 10 secs, looked back and he was sitting proud on top of the tree. I laughed my ass off, until he realized he had no real way of getting down. So I laughed some more and fetched him off the tree. Good to get it out of the system I think, because he didn’t try that again.
Most anti-cheat doesn’t take kindly to running in a VM as well, so if that’s the reason it won’t work.
Worf worked in security and got to be first officer of the Enterprise. After that became Strategic Operations Officer on DS9, which is command even though it’s still ops related. As a bonus he became first officer on the Defiant as well.
This is usually done to keep things going as normal as possible for as long as possible. Once people start noticing something is wrong, the best people start looking elsewhere. Before you know it, not only is the company in financial trouble, but it can’t recover because some of the best people left. At least one time I witnessed, the company was working on layoff plans and even limited bankruptcy, but at the same time negotiating with the investment firm that owned part of the company to get more money. If they got the money, everything would be fine. It wasn’t till that fell through, they had to start laying people off.
The fight is over mate, we lost
How can a regular person block shipments of arms or dismantle AIPAC? That’s not possible.
What does boosting voices of soon to be dead people do to stop them from dying? What does organizing or donating do?
Trump has promised Israel everything they need, no questions asked, no limits. And they already have so much, they don’t really need a lot more. They can already destroy Palestine, they can already destroy parts of Iran and Lebanon. They just need the extra stuff and funds to do it quicker and destroy more of those countries.
And don’t think for a second Trump and their cronies won’t block any money flow from the US to anywhere near there and divert it to Israel instead. And block organizations in the US from doing anything. Israel is already blocking aid for Palestine even from organizations like the Red Cross. What are small organizations going to do?
Plus the time to act has come and gone. Time is up, this is going to happen within months. We can’t organize, lobby for policy change, set up aid and demonstrations. It’s done, there is a deadline and that means death for a whole lot of people.
All we can do at this point is look with shock and horror as the far right grips the world and destroys a lot of the things we hold dear.
Hmmm yes defend, by …checks notes… killing every man woman and child in neighboring countries.
You’ve said things yes, but not how to do those things (some of which are plainly impossible) or how those things will help (none of those things will actually help). Doing useless stuff just to feel like you tried isn’t actually helping anyone. Israel is going to kill a lot of people and finish multiple genocides and there isn’t a damned thing anyone can do about it.
There’s doomerism and there is reality.
This is reality and it’s bad. It isn’t a maybe it will be fine maybe it won’t situation. Trump has promised wealthy powerful people a lot of stuff to get him into power. And they put him into power specifically to do that stuff. They have plainly said exactly what they are going to do, laid out an agenda and promised to follow it as best they can. The final hurdle was the election, which even if it went a bit bad for them could have still worked with lawsuits about voter fraud or plain insurrection. But it didn’t went bad for them, it was a major victory. They couldn’t have dreamt of a better outcome. There are no more hurdles, no more barriers, no more limits. At this point it’s denial to think they aren’t going to do what they set out to do.
I feel there are things we can do for our own mental health and maybe the people around us. But as for the big picture, it’s done, it’s over. We’ve seen first hand what happens if this kind of thing goes down in a country and the outcome is always the same.
People will probably just post a Powershell script on Github to make it update directly from the official servers without paying the extra fee. It’s funny how the most popular activation scripts are on Github, even though Microsoft owns Github and could easily just delete them.
Yeah I used these in my manual mill converted to do power drive and some basic CNC stuff. They are excellent and have a lot of torque, but they are also very slow. Especially with the amount of step down gearing in a manual mill, the end result isn’t very fast. But I don’t really care, I’m usually not in a rush to do anything.