Semper Fidelis Tyrannosaurus
Semper Fidelis Tyrannosaurus
So it was, thanks for the correction, edited.
Kamala Harris is firmly committed to the extermination of the Palestinian people, she’s not Captain Janeway. This is asinine.
Just a reminder that Justin Alexander tried to steal the legacy of Jennell Jaquays while she was in a coma.
I pretty much always go ibuprofen, but aspirin is fine.
I’m pretty sure acetaminophen is snake oil though (this is a joke but I can’t recall ever having it resolve a headache for me like ibuprofen does).
Deep magic, black art, heavy wizardry, almost feels like cheating.
I don’t even know computer stuff, just picked these up via osmosis.
EDIT: blue screen of death is a very powerful abjuration spell
Label looks like this
I’m pretty sure it was Venture on an Atari.
Malt vinegar or that pepper sauce from steak n shake. Well the generic from the grocery store, but it’s the same thing.
Different ways, I usually say boo-jwah, bur-jwah is also one I’ve heard though.
What type of society do you think would allow you to burn other people to death and string up their corpses? Is it one that you think would be an improvement over modern China?
I’m not familiar with most of these but I drove 2 hours to see Jukebox the Ghost play in the second story of a church when I was like 19, and Stars is probably my number one favorite band, so I may have to check out some of your other entries here.
Edit: The Jukebox the Ghost show was really cool btw, they wouldn’t let them do an encore in the upstairs part of the venue but they agreed to let the keyboardist do a solo encore on the church’s organ on the first floor.
Forgot WotC. They sent Pinkertons after a leaker and tried to drain every last dollar out of third party creators with their OGL update.
Ah, yeah, I should say my opinion is entirely based around my experience as an American. It’s pretty deeply ingrained here- I mean imagine telling an American that they have to tolerate children running around at 9pm in the dark, they can’t drive their cars around because the streets are clogged with those children and furthermore, they need to stock up on candy because they will be giving it away to the kids.
And there is a culture tradition of vandalizing the homes of people who are stingy about the candy.
If it were new here it’d never even catch on, just like public libraries.
Yeah but you get to dress your kid up as a velociraptor or a ghost buster or something and then interact with people who live near you in a friendly way which doesn’t exist outside of Halloween in this atomized hellscape. Plus it’s way more than one day, I’m putting giant spiders all over my place for at least a month. The webs are hell to take down so I might even leave em up through November out of laziness lol
Halloween sucks as a holiday
I’ve never seen such a bad opinion from a Hexbear user.
This was my immediate thought also, whatever part of me that is making the decision already exists so this is the same question as “would you want to stop existing now?” the answer to which is an emphatic “no.” I’d exist indefinitely given the choice.