I try to throw the bottle to the bathroom entrance, and once I’m done in the way of the front door to make it a physical inconvenience to forget it (then hopefully goes on the shopping list)
I try to throw the bottle to the bathroom entrance, and once I’m done in the way of the front door to make it a physical inconvenience to forget it (then hopefully goes on the shopping list)
Oh great they get to collect and make money off of “anonymous technical data” for years, and their punishment for doing all that is to delete the data, and swear they won’t collect anymore of it for the next few years??
They already made their money off of people’s data! This isn’t a meaningful punishment, hell it’s barely a slap on the wrist.
We’re always told the people at the bottom rung of society, the people doing “entry level” jobs just need to work harder and harder to earn a proper living…
But how does that work really? Unlike a lot of high level jobs, none of these jobs just exist for the sake of existing, most of these “entry level” jobs are essential to society (we saw that much during the pandemic).
Somebody has to do them or society just doesn’t work, so don’t the people doing these literally essential jobs deserve to be paid a fair living wage? They’re working just as hard as the people above them, yet they’re paid peanuts in comparison
That’s the hill Pope Francis is willing to die on? - that Gender ideology is the ugliest danger today?
Not Russia’s endless onslaught against the Ukrainian people or Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people?
Pope Francis needs to get outside more often.
Dude - you’re either stupid enough to not realise the irony of what you’ve just said, or you’re trolling. For your sake, I kinda hope it’s the latter
Ignoring the fact that you’re clearly high as a kite - it’s all tricks your brain does to conserve resources. Without any focus or filter, your brain would very quickly spread it’s resources too thinly, and subsequently burn out.
It is much easier for your brain to process a lot of data about a small number of things, than a small amount of data on many, many things.
You’re not wrong - I was just pointing out it’s always been that way. The rich never played fair, they played to win.
It’s not like they didn’t look through your financial history before then - they just didn’t have to show their working publicly, which meant you could ne discriminated against for any number of things
That’s the theoretically part - there are processes that will capture the energy generated that would’ve otherwise become heat, but that only affects the timeliness. Given enough time, all workable energy generated by a heater would become heat, even if you had to wait for the matter itself to decay trillions of years from now when all the stars have long since breathed their last breath.
Also has somebody watched Technology Connections by any chance?
Heat pumps are so cool - if you showed onw to someone even a hundred years ago, even knowing what electricity was, they’d think it was magic.
Because it will always take more energy to break the water than you will get burning the Hydrogen in Oxygen back into water - it’s basic thermodynamics.
You will lose some energy as heat that you cannot get back*.
You can’t power a car from a process that loses energy. Even if you use a battery to donate the lost energy, then you might as well just cut out the lossy middleman and just run off the battery or generate the Hydrogen elsewhere - which is what we currently do.
It is better to think of Hydrogen as an energy transporter than as a fuel, as you’d need to generate the Hydrogen somewhere that has abundant energy (ideally renewable), then transport I where needed, such as a Hydrogen powered generator.
*Interestingly the fact that all processes generate waste heat means the only theoretically 100% energy efficient process is heat generation itself, as all forms of energy eventually degrade to heat (as it is essentially the universe’s waste energy).
deleted by creator
Do you know what you do when someone doesn’t hold up their end of a bargain? You don’t uphold your’s…
If the FTC forces them to unmerge, it’d make others think twice about lying to the FTC, and give the agency much stronger fangs to bite back with in the future.
Pretty much…
Recessive malfunctions can hide away amongst carriers for generations before manifesting any deformities, during which time they have no effect on the carrier’s survival, so there’s very little selective pressure against them.
Dominant malfunctions which cause deformities simply can’t hide away, so have enormous selective pressure against them.
Interestingly enough though, there are times where dominant malfunctions can survive that pressure…
For example, having Sickle cell disorder increases your resistance to Malaria, so even though the full form is rarely passed on, the single allele form (which caused partial disorder) is passed on due to a slight positive selection pressure.
I’ll try to keep it relatively simple - your cells contain chromosomes that contain your genes. You usually* have two sets of every chromosome.
These genes come in different variations/mutant forms called alleles. Most alleles function more or less the same, but some malfunctions result in deformities.
If a malfunctioning allele results in errant gene inactivation, it is known as recessive, which means as long as your other copy works, you’re all good.
If a malfunctioning allele results in an errant gene activation, it is known as dominant, which means if you have the allele you get the deformity regardless of if your other copy works or not.
Fortunately for life, most malfunctioning alleles are recessive, so as long as you’ve got high genetic variance (a lot of alleles) in a population, the chance of two people meeting with the same recessive malfunction is low.
Incest can result in a drastic decrease in genetic variation, which can result in malfunctioning alleles becoming much more prevalent than they usually would be, resulting in many more cases of recessive deformities than in the wider population.
*For males this is not true of their sex chromosomes. Many genes present on the X chromosome are missing on the Y chromosome, which can lead to sex exclusive traits and diseases.
For example, it is the reason why there are almost no calico/tri-colour male cats, as the genes for it are in X but not Y chromosomes.
Exactly, who do they think holds up all their gambles.
They keep the working class fighting each other, because if they ever stopped, this wouldn’t work anymore
Exactly. To do lists only work when you are able to fixate on them, otherwise they’re as good as scrap
Yeah - that was my worry.
Unification of standards only works if everyone agrees to use it and only it (i.e. mobile phones and USB C), otherwise you’re just adding another one to the pile.
Well the idea is that you’re paying for someone who is both qualified in dealing with mental health issues, and is completely unattached to your life to provide a confidential, non-judgmemtal outsider perspective on your life.
The people who know you almost certainly can’t provide that level of support in your life, and many people need that space/perspective to help them recognise their issues, or push them towards the correct solution to resolving them.
It’s not everybody’s cup of tea, it ain’t mine, but for those it does work for, it works well
Honestly, I have to agree with the article - while you could say graphics have improved in the last decade, it’s nowhere near as much as the difference as the decade before that.
I’d easily argue that the average AAA game from a decade ago looks just as good on a 1080/1440p display as the average AAA game today - and I’d still bet the difference wouldn’t be that noticeable for 4K either.
And what do we gain for that diminishing return on graphics?
Singleplayer games are being made smaller, or vapid “open worlds”, and cost more due to more resources going to design teams rather than the rest of the game.
Meanwhile multiplayer games get less frequent and smaller updates, and that gets padded out with aggressive micro-transactions.
I hate that “realistic” graphics has become such an over-hyped selling point in games that it’s consuming AAA gaming in its entirety.
I would love for AAA games to go back to being reasonably priced with plainer looking graphics, so that resources can actually be put into making them more than just glorified tech demos.