My wife bought it for me as a present once misunderstanding what it was. I looked at those subs once and then never again
I still appreciate the effort, but by far the most useless gift she’s ever given
My wife bought it for me as a present once misunderstanding what it was. I looked at those subs once and then never again
I still appreciate the effort, but by far the most useless gift she’s ever given
I had a fun story about how this way of describing ADHD is also a description of ADHD, but lost track of the goal and wrote this instead.
Love Triangle? I’m stuck in a Love Ray.
He probably spun around counterclockwise, but if you focus a lot it might have been the other direction
Barbie horse adventures
You own the figure in the game, but don’t delude yourself into thinking you actually own this game. We reserve the right to remove your access to your property at our own discretion
I was real excited for this game but once it came out, it doesn’t seem to deliver on any of the things I was hyped about
What if this was a defensive evolution by those entries to reduce losses caused by their would-be natural predators?
What router are you using that legit requires a password for access?
I have been spouting mostly nonsense to my friends about NMS, but I truly think NMS has essentially turned into Light No Fire alpha testing. So much of the changes they have made lately really feel like they are trying to flesh out the “small scale” parts of the game, so they can be implemented in some fashion into LNF’s single planet gameplay.
Solid base game, I should probably finish playing it instead of doing my normal of saving in front of the final boss and never playing again.
He looks like he is wearing a hat
I tried this a few months back on TTSim, I even had the benefit of getting a boost from setup and it took me about 5 minutes to do the first fight while reading the rules and skipping a good bit of the tedious piece moving. I started the 2nd fight and just got bored from all the movie parts. I could easily see this taking hours for advanced players like you said, I couldn’t convince myself to keep going.
Well this one could be cheaper, but how could I even know, the price isn’t listed.
Next Fest is quickly becoming my favorite Steam Sale, and it isn’t even Sale. I love being able to have a quicky try of things that look interesting.
Honestly the most fun I had on Wheels was before I realized the tutorial existed, and I was brute force learning the game with trial and error. Then the game kind of got really easy. Still fun though.
I have a pretty large city, but something is wrong with my tax calculations? I have one industry pumping out 150x the taxes of everything else combine. Just a blanket of $5m from lumber an in-game hour, next best is Metals at $45k a day.
Oh, I didn’t notice that. Good call.
The rest are generally angry