You didn’t mention what platform but all of the Sniper Elite games are on Gamepass including the literally just released Resistance.
You didn’t mention what platform but all of the Sniper Elite games are on Gamepass including the literally just released Resistance.
I always thought games should be accessible to everyone.
In a ideal world absolutely, but there’s literally zero chance of Sony reciprocating, as shown by their behaviour during the Bethesda case. Exclusives for me, not for thee.
I’m happy for PlayStation owners but, as someone heavily invested in the Xbox ecosystem since the OG, it feels like a kick in the teeth.
Funny story: I started playing this on the PlayStation back in the day, a couple of years after it had come out and cemented its reputation. I did the intro mission in the reactor and then all of the characters were stood in a room doing exposition and what not. I was quite enjoying it.
Then the doorbell rang. I must’ve only been gone for a couple of minutes but when I got back everyone had vanished and I had no idea where they’d gone or what I was supposed to be doing.
Rather than replaying that first 30 minutes I just turned it off and never played it again. Truly the best of times.
Grabbed one of these on Thursday and it’s arriving tomorrow. Just ever O slightly excited.
I like the idea of open worlds much more than I like the reality. With a full time job, kids, and a completionist mindset I just don’t have the time or mental stamina to spend 100+ hours doing side quests and revealing every inch of the map. Not to mention reading all of that dialog and lore.
Give me a corridor with a tight, focused story over a sprawling open world any day of the week. Coincidentally Bioshock was awesome.
Pedant, but the pressure difference between 1 atmosphere and zero isn’t all that great, so explosive decompression wouldn’t happen even in the worst case scenario. Rapid yes, explosive no.
To be explosive you need something like the Byford Dolphin diving bell incident, which was 9 atmospheres to 1 in a fraction of a second.
This shit winds me up so much. It used to be that a game would be full price for 6-12 months before moving onto a budget label at a vastly rexuced price.
Nowadays games are full price forever, except for the few days a year when they go on “sale” and get reduced to what they should’ve been all along. During which time the publishers get to act like they’re being altruistic and doing us a massive favour.
I can’t use these things together.
Oh no.
Is down.
First one, on the 3DO. Small selection of exotics and sports cars, realistic (for the time) point-to-point road races with no music to obscure the engine noise, and an annoyingly/amusingly sarcastic rival racer that was obviously just one of the devs.
Each car had its own showcase video followed by a detailed specs sheet with a very enthusiastic voiceover explaining why you should be excited to drive this car. Even the courses had the voiceover treatment.
It truly was a love letter to cars and driving that has never been equalled, and is very telling that it’s the only one to have had Road & Track branding. Every subsequent NFS game has been so in name only.
Check out Grip: Combat Racing for a modern take on Rollcage. I haven’t played it since early access, though, so I’ve no idea if it’s any good.
I do that a lot on my phone but keep forgetting it’s a thing on desktop for some reason.
If nothing else is triggering it then my advice would be to cherish the feeling while it lasts! Go on dates that don’t involve food for a while or stick to lighter food that doesn’t involve sitting in a restaurant to eat. Once things start to feel more normal between you then you can try formal meals again.
If she’s suggesting restaurants in the meantime then just be honest with her, she’ll likely find it sweet and endearing and it’ll help to calm the nerves.
Yeah, OP didn’t say how long they’d been together but if it’s a new relationship after 3 years of being friends, especially if they’re young and/or there’s been lingering feelings for some time before becoming “official”, then anxiety and nervous excitement is likely to be high!
you’re absolutely making things up
I could tell you what I see but you wouldn’t believe me anyway.
I was trying to show that not everyone perceives the world around them in the same way, and most people find it fascinating when they take a step back to really think about it. But you’ve already decided that simply not being able to see colors in the same way as you makes me inherently wrong, so I’m not going to engage any further.
Yes I understand the meme and I’m not trying to get into an argument. I’m just trying to educate as to why relying on color as the primary differentiator is not a solution to the problem as proposed.
at a glance, color is a much faster tool we use to identify these icons
Think about what you’re saying here, and consider how ridiculous it would sound if you said that to someone who was completely blind.
Sure, to a “color normal” person, something’s color is a great differentiator, but even when using a colorblind friendly pallette it’s just far easier for us to distinguish different shapes than colors. We’ve spent our whole lives adapting to a lack of color information so asking us to be able to work purely on color alone is like asking a blind person to see.
Again, and this part is really important and oft overlooked - this applies even when a designer has gone out of their way to choose a colorblind friendly pallette. It’s just not that easy for us. I honestly couldn’t even tell you what Google’s corporate pallette is without looking and I’m sure that information is second nature to normies.
Nope. The icons are honestly good enough as they are, but the original post was being disingenuous in suggesting they’re no more distinguishable than squares.
Running with that logic, having each square a different color does not solve the problem for those of us who can’t easily distinguish those colors.
Yes, but the original post is suggesting that they’re ambiguous enough to all be squares. Running with that concept, making a bunch of squares different colors doesn’t fix the issue for those of us who can’t easily identify those colors.
Except that the original post was contesting that those shapes are indistinguishable from each other. My point, therefore, is that the solution offered in the post I replied to would still be indistinguishable to 300 million people.
Yeah same. I played through the whole thing in co-op and had a blast.