This is in a pretty rough part of town
This is in a pretty rough part of town
You can sell their wool for profit. So you gain profit from the sheep, profit from the solar panels, and save money on mowing.
You’ve completely missed the point.
This is the right answer. It’s so if you’re wearing tightly tailored pants you have some dick space so you’re not imprinting and showing it off to everyone.
The issue there is that all Drake fans are pedophiles.
If you buy good quality, you can feel the effects. But the vast majority is trash.
This isn’t that much of a breakthrough, mycorrhizal fungi has been known to help shuttle nutrients across the root structures of different plants. It does sound like the Orchid attracts the myco naturally, which only a few plants do.
The cannabis and competitive growing communities are pretty big on using myco on transplant so the plants can absorb nutrients better.
Since it’s her first winter I’m letting it wake up. I was pretty good about watering over the fall, so I’m hopeful.
I’m just hoping the maple I planted last summer gets to growing and doesn’t die.
Depends on how old your kids are, but the south park games have a similar feel, though much more adult.
It’s a tedious city builder, if you like that kind of thing.