Syncthing; it’s a modern miracle
Syncthing; it’s a modern miracle
I’ve taken to the term 3rd-wave Trek for the 2010s-present shows to identify the stylistic differences in production compared to shows made in the 80s-90s or 60s.
Each era is molded by the media conventions of it’s time. And there I go reinventing Marshal McLuhan again: “the medium is the message”
I had a red Veloster I called Swordfish And my friends called my blue Civic “Bad Wolf”
I’m new to Linux; what’s with the ThinkPad hype?
On the contrary, I have had multiple conversations with Android users trying to convince me that iOS is bad/Android is better with nearly religious fervor.
Element is okay, but I really wish Matrix had better clients on iOS. If Cinny put out an iOS app or got the web app working better on mobile, I’d be way more willing to start using Matrix more.
Bless you for providing a link; I can’t tell you howany times I’ve seen this advice without any link or instructions on how to locate these