Die sollen mal die Dienstwagen und Inlandsflüge der Politiker streichen. Dann wären die Bahnverbindungen auch besser.
In der Erklärung ist die Pauschale keine Komplikation. Da gibt es deutlich bessere Orte meiner Meinung nach. Meiner Meinung nach sollte man nicht bei der Pauschale Schluss machen sondern alle ‘muss man halt geltend machen’ Dinge streichen. Dann kannste gleich die ganze Geschichte dem Amt geben, sodass die dir eine fertige Erklärung zuschicken und du nur die Richtigkeit bestätigen musst.
Thank you for this give away, have a lovely Christmas time, however you celebrate it.
I just enjoy free stuff and don’t have a preference. I sadly don’t have a story to share, well I’ve got plenty but none I am willing to post online ^^
The USA have a two party system with majority takes it all, you can barely call it a democracy tbh.
Well if you are not a furry then you might want to change the “we’re” to “were”
I’d pick one or two obviously bad guys, the rumoured / infamous necromancer said to live somewhere in the borderlands in a swampy place. Potentially a former battle field where there was some calamity wiping out both armies. The calamity was brought by the city in question. He survived the onslaught and swore revenge.
Maybe a misguided(?) protector of the forest, the town gets rich by exploiting the nearby hills and mountains for their natural resources and they back and slash away at the ancient forest to fuel the mines.
A local noble, was ousted from the city council, had titles revoked and is forced to live in exile. Maybe the noble deserved it maybe not, maybe the Nobel was framed for committing treason, since everyone thinks they are a traitor they might as well show the city what they could really do.
I would not make them all obviously bad guys that gives it more mystery.
Ist ein Thema wo selten drüber gesprochen wird aber ein Testament und eine Patientenverfügung heißt das meine ich. In dem du aufschreibst was man mit dir macht solltest du z.B. in ein Koma fallen.
You could try and bridge it with the steam link app.