Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?
Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?
Just pee on the stains until they give up and go away.
As somebody who doesn’t naively speak Latin American Spanish but was exposed to it a lot growing up, the “th” sound for some words with “c” (like “gracias”) in Castilian Spanish really disturbs me. It sounds like everybody has a lisp.
Oh, it’s a joke. (Self) woosh.
In the long history of farming, and knowing a few frugal farmers, I’d bet a substantial sum that a farmer has sheared their own sheep and has nicked a few in the process.
“From my point of view, the Jedi are evil”
There are people wandering around at various conventions that are basically duct-tape wizards. They stock a whole supply of goods to help cosplayers fix issues with their costumes. It’s super wholesome.
Shining a blacklight around in the Holodeck would be illuminating.
Yep. Been playing a ton of it lately and now on the DLC.