100%, but eating food when you’re already full is still wasting it, it’s just doing so in a way that’s damaging to your health; and no part of that is helping starving children in Africa, so that whole line is a pretty good showcase of an asinine kneejerk non-solution to multiple problems. Same energy as “gO to pErU” in response to a complaint about an unrelated problem somewhere better off than Peru.
OP didn’t ask about appreciating what they have. And silencing criticism of bad by contrasting it against worse is never helpful.
That’s some “fiNiSh yOur pLaTe bEcaUsE kiDs aRe sTaRviNg in aFriCa!!1!” shit.
Zelda OOT, or vanilla WoW. Hearing the intro music from either is a pretty strong nostalgia hit.
Been using this in nursing school - a lot of our content is done on horribly designed websites, and it’s pretty common to hit submit and… Naw it didn’t take: all your shit just disappeared.
So, save with single file first, then submit, and if it fucks up then I’ve got a backup to copy and paste a replacement out of.
…in an it was the worst thing ever kind of way - cuz that meant it was over Q_Q
Especially in the era before just looking shit up on the internet when you hit a snag. I remember scouring levels in that looking for a path that I’d missed when I couldn’t figure out where I was supposed to go next.
Definitely a highlight of the N64 for me. It’s up there with the Zeldas in my book.
My parents didn’t let me buy any shooter games other than jet force gemini
At least you landed on solid gold! Jet Force Gemini was the single best shooter for the N64. Far superior to Golden Eye. Yes, I’ll die on this hill.
There was Antz… I don’t remember much from it, but iirc it was the same kind of theme?
The last movie I saw in theaters was Interstellar… just pulled up the release date, and holy shit, it’s been a solid decade.
…not really feeling the urge to change that either. All I remember theaters being is a sticky fucking mess where a bag of skittles and a drink will cost you like 5% of your net worth; from there you pack into these disgusting seats, invariably right behind some 6’11" 400lb dude in a fucking cowboy hat and, surrounded on all sides by people who have never heard of the concept of shutting the fuck up for 90 mins…
It’d be pretty great if consoles finally acknowledged that they’re just a PC with a moustache and glasses nowadays; and transitioned into a digital space to effectively become officially supported emulators. Especially if launcher isn’t restricted.
Free online really good quality graphing, scientific, etc calculators with no ads or other bullshit.
keyboard key remapper
Specific example: the caps lock key is useless and only ever activated on accident when I fat-fingered the A key. Remapped it to F-13 which exists as a kind of place holder with no function since keyboards stop at F-12; then set F-13 as my push-to-talk key in Discord, so now I’ve got a super conveniently located PTT that won’t disrupt anything (like switching to aLL CAPS WHEN I INEVITABLY MISS THE A KEY).
Small change, absolutely love it. 10/10
representative government
supposed to work
Pick one.
The best move was from the officer who shot one of those terrorists. It’s been nothing but kid gloves prior or since.
You can’t take that away from Samuel L. Jackson.
When I was a teen I played WoW from vanilla through Cata… Had over a full year of in game /played time on just my main.
…and I made a lot of alts.
100% full-blown addicted.
Blizzard is actually the one example of enshittification that I can actually be thankful for - I didn’t really ever quit; they just stopped supplying my drug of choice. They definitely had the power to keep me enthralled, but instead shifted to a younger and younger target audience as I was ofc aging the opposite direction.
The Kung-Fu-Panda xpac trailer was finally my cue to accept that my dealer wasn’t going to provide that fix anymore.
Then I started making healthy life decisions discovered Ark >_<
Edit - …Ark owned my life for a bit, too:
There are plenty of silver linings to point at, but ultimately we’re pretty fucking awful to each other.
If we’re pitching microtransactions as extremist content, I’m on board.
Pretty much everything I was told about employment when I entered the work force (2005ish). New workers seem to have wised up a bit, seeing us go through the hoops with nothing to show for it, but all the absolute bullshit about hard work paying off, take care of your employer and your employer will take care of you, etc.
…and it’s hard to shake off that programming when you hear it your entire childhood from older folks who apparently actually did benefit from that advice.
Hearing Gen Z’ers and such say things like “act your wage” or complain about the rug being pulled out from under them without needing to stand on it for 20 years first is fucking awesome! The younger workers aren’t just bending over and taking it in the hopes things will get better someday like we did. Gen Z is going to go down as a major contributor to workers’ rights.