In Norway and it’s definitely becoming more of a thing. Growing up I never did it, but now I run out of lollies because there’s so many kids out and about.
On the flip side, Norway does have their own Halloween style celebration where you go around dressed up and demand lollies from people door to door (julebukk - I’m not sure what the exact date for it is, and I think it varies depending on where you are, but it takes place between boxing day and up to and on new year’s Eve) which I’ve definitely noticed has been declining the last few years. Maybe kids want to celebrate Halloween more than julebukk? Probably because on Halloween you can just, show up and demand shit while on julebukk you actually have to prepare a little song and whatnot.
Shame because like, julebukk is a) actually traditional and b) has some weird ass lore behind it. Like it’s something about appeasing the Christmas goat (who may or may not be a demon saint Nicholas personally went down to hell to beat the shit out of until he agreed to help him)
…except when a person is doing it, they’re doing their own thing to it. They take an idea or two and filter it through their own lens and stylise it
Think about it like this - when you do data scraping, you’re still interpreting the results. You’re looking at the data and going ‘ok from this I can draw X and Y conclusions based on this and that’. AI art is like if we removed you from the process - we just shoved all the data into a black box and it goes ding “X is Y”. If you asked it why that’s so, it wouldn’t be able to tell you. You can’t see how it works so you have no idea if it’s reasoning makes scientific sense. It would not be admissible in a paper.
…don’t most people kinda agree you don’t pirate from small artists where piracy is actually hurting them? There’s like, honour along thieves when it comes to piracy, and this is stepping all over the little guy who’s actually hurt by this just to get your grubby little hands on something you think you’re entitled to