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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • When you put something out there, you allow for the possibility that people will see your work and incorporate it into their mental catalog of art and artistic process

    …except when a person is doing it, they’re doing their own thing to it. They take an idea or two and filter it through their own lens and stylise it

    Think about it like this - when you do data scraping, you’re still interpreting the results. You’re looking at the data and going ‘ok from this I can draw X and Y conclusions based on this and that’. AI art is like if we removed you from the process - we just shoved all the data into a black box and it goes ding “X is Y”. If you asked it why that’s so, it wouldn’t be able to tell you. You can’t see how it works so you have no idea if it’s reasoning makes scientific sense. It would not be admissible in a paper.

    If you pirate shit then you have no ground to stand on for complaining about AI training.

    …don’t most people kinda agree you don’t pirate from small artists where piracy is actually hurting them? There’s like, honour along thieves when it comes to piracy, and this is stepping all over the little guy who’s actually hurt by this just to get your grubby little hands on something you think you’re entitled to

  • In Norway and it’s definitely becoming more of a thing. Growing up I never did it, but now I run out of lollies because there’s so many kids out and about.

    On the flip side, Norway does have their own Halloween style celebration where you go around dressed up and demand lollies from people door to door (julebukk - I’m not sure what the exact date for it is, and I think it varies depending on where you are, but it takes place between boxing day and up to and on new year’s Eve) which I’ve definitely noticed has been declining the last few years. Maybe kids want to celebrate Halloween more than julebukk? Probably because on Halloween you can just, show up and demand shit while on julebukk you actually have to prepare a little song and whatnot.

    Shame because like, julebukk is a) actually traditional and b) has some weird ass lore behind it. Like it’s something about appeasing the Christmas goat (who may or may not be a demon saint Nicholas personally went down to hell to beat the shit out of until he agreed to help him)

  • Squids@sopuli.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlGary larson rule
    1 year ago

    The closest thing to what you’re talking about is grafting, but that’s a specific thing that only works on certain species and I don’t think can “glue” two entire halves of a tree back together, maybe just a branch at the most if you’re very careful and lucky

    It’s why if you plant a seed from a random apple from the supermarket, you’re very probably not going to get a tree that produces that apple. Most commerical fruit trees (including ones from your local garden centre) tend to have a bottom half that’s hardy and resistant, and then a top half which was “glued” on that actually provides the fruit you want. The bottom half controls the genetic material in the seed, but the top half controls what the fruit will look like.

    On the other hand, you can totally glue a snapped cactus back together, provided it hasn’t been too long and the two halves aren’t too damaged.

  • I want a modern difficult farming Sim with an in depth relationship mechanic and no fucking combat. The old harvest moon games are good, but I’ve kinda played them to death and for some idiotic reason they removed stuff like rival marriages from the remakes. Rune factory has combat, and so does stardew valley (in addition to having a relationship mechanic that’s just, really shallow), and it seems like all the farming Sim games that don’t have combat are like baby’s first farm Sim and are all cutesy and aren’t very difficult

    Like it feels like this would be an easy thing to do, right?

  • My great grandad got a couple of cockatoos when he was in his 20s right after ww2 and they still managed to outlive him. Only by a few weeks mind you - poor things starved themselves to death out of grief after he died. He told us not to worry about rehoming them because he knew they wouldn’t be able to take the loss of loosing him at such an age.

    He only had them because he took up conservation work and they’re just, native to Australia. They lived out in a big aviary he’d built with trees and bushes and even a water feature along with other birds he ended up aquiring. I adored those birds, but I genuinely can’t understand how or why you’d keep such a big beautiful intelligent bird as a pet in a cage on the other side of the world and it always weirds me out when I see these birds I grew up watching roam free eating all our damn lemons in someone’s house as a pet. It’s like if you an American saw someone keeping a racoon as a pet.

  • A cheap fountain pen like a Lamy safari. Maybe some brightly coloured ink too.

    Growing up I loved pens and my dad had some vintage Watermans he used all the time which were unquestionably Cool Pens but also really “fancy” so I wasn’t allowed to touch them, and we just didn’t know that way cheaper and less fiddly fountain pens existed because all of his came from the op shop with ink from borders and not an actual pen store. 8 year old me would’ve been estatic that not only do easier to use cheaper options exist, they’re bright yellow and also you can put any colour in them, not just boring black.

    …I feel like everyone answering “Powerball numbers” or “apple stocks” is completely missing the spirit of the question

  • Squids@sopuli.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlThey don't have such weaknesses
    1 year ago

    You could probably back this up by looking at the alcoholism rates in Scandinavia (especially Norway and Sweden)

    Scandinavia had their own prohibition and still to this day have a strict 18/21+ drinking age with booze only being sold during very specific hours (and never on Sundays or religious holidays), with anything above I think 12% only available at the government run bottle shop

  • Idk if this is true for the US but where I live in Scandinavia red is a common house colour because historically it was a cheap colour you could get from mixing red ochre and oil, so red barns aren’t uncommon. Then again the US midwest does have a lot of Scandinavian immigrants so it might’ve bled over culturally because there’s lot of farms up there?

  • I’ve had a 3d printer for years and I still can’t really get over how nuts it is. Like it feels like one of those things you’d read about in science magazines as this amazing super scientific thing the scientists out in MIT have in their labs like a supercomputer or some expensive toy people who build stuff on YouTube have in their garage next to the lathe and big fancy CNC table, but no, it’s just, here. On my desk. Being used to casually print stuff that I’ve designed myself on the computer like it’s nothing.

    My great grandad was a carpenter and I wish I could’ve shown him it. I wonder what he’d think, seeing something that was once only in the realm of handcrafted diagrammes and days of building now a few hours of modelling and printing away.

  • Munchkin is a great game, but it’s one you can’t play with board game or TTRPG people. You need either alcohol or people who aren’t used to/don’t worship strict board game rules and who aren’t afraid to muck about with stupid shit or pile on other players. The sort of person who’s favourite game is CAH or "uh…I dunno chess maybe?', not “here’s my six hour dissertation on why Jamestown: now with Wheat is the best”

  • Squids@sopuli.xyztoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlEasy DIY pasta sauce?
    2 years ago

    Yeah I kinda feel like the first step would be to figure out how to do that rather than trying to sidestep the issue

    There’s ways to cut stuff up without actually handling a knife if it’s like a physical issue - those little mini food processors for example are really good for most veggies (they struggle on harder or stringy things but for onions and garlic and whatnot they’re pretty good)