I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
He might be as close to a communist we have ever had with the New Deal, granting the right to unionize, Social Security, and all kinds of labor protections.
I am stealing someone else’s idea (can’t remember whose), but just make non-stop memes about Trump being Netanyahu’s pet, and let the narcissism run wild. If everyone one on social media was sharing memes about Trump being Netanyahu’s bitch especially after Netanyahu said Biden was better than Trump, I believe there would be ton of budget cuts to Israel.
Wait what? You watched 60 Minutes everyday? It was always Sunday evenings from my memories, during winter usually right after a Football game, don’t remember the exact timing tho.
You are thinking of Mona Sax, she makes a brief appearance in the first game, but its in the second game where she shows up in most of the chapters (often showing up right before or after Max arrives to a location) and you play as in her in some of the later chapters.
Its my first time with an ESR Case (this one specifically https://a.co/d/5Mrkayt) and the magnets and wireless charging work very well. My only downside is (and it may be in my head) is that after a month its starting to get a smidge of yellowing. Although in fairness I usually only see a completely clear case on the first day, and in any event a colored case shouldn’t suffer that (I imagine). Also I got mine for $9 a week before the 16 came out, but seems to be $12 now.
I feel that to a certain extent, but saying his race (as opposed to his fortune and connections) obscures the real issue. Side note as far as I have ever seen was confirmed is he lied about post graduate, UPenn has confirmed his 4 year degree although I have heard (and tend to believe) there are many discrepancies behind that degree as well (but no “smoking gun”).
Hobo with a shotgun, a close slightly less on topic second is the Spy Kids sequel Machete
Any “Serious crime” which the SCOTUS delineated long ago as anything where you may face more than 6 months incarceration which lines up with just about anything.
Don’t know where you are from but at least in 🦅 country you have a right to counsel. Thats works out to usually being assigned counsel (public defender) as soon as possible in the interest of justice. For a standard ticket you will probably have this settled within two court dates, your fees and other associated charges may not be so nice.
This was a great trip down memory lane, thanks for the share.
You would think the fact that Hyrule is always different (sometimes even having a Lorule) and one of the most popular entries (remade three times) was a literal fever dream, that people would say realize the only actual Link is the character we played on the way.
While thats true the Yen’s purchasing power has sank(alot), related 5 Year USD to Yen chart, showing an almost halving
For those out the loop (probably everyone since no one plays this game it seems) this is Concord by Sony, which after years of dev hell launched two days ago as an online game, but has yet to break 700 players online at a time SteamDB Source. In contrast the four year old, often called abandoned, Red Dead Online has more players during off-peak SteamDB Source
Just taking a shot in the dark, but the photo in the article suggests it was kept in between pages of a binder. Warm climate, cheap materials, and under pressure makes me feel the disc is just degraded not fake. Regular Vinyl can get easily damaged, I doubt a cheapo mini version would survive decades with absolutely no protection.
Most high volume printing (like shipping labels) is done with thermal printers where the heat turns chemicals on the paper black. These chemicals usually can withstand water but not alcohol so spraying with pure alcohol and wiping off usually will blank the paper entirely.
Yeah I am old enough to remember it being just a launcher (ala Ubisoft or EA games) for Half life 2 and a way to counter-strike with no mods. TBH I thought it was gonna fail hard and then after a decade of success, even I was stuck on steam. Also to add originally they only sold valve games as literally no third party was willing to give them a cent and they were short on IP.