Probably because it is, they don’t like you, or they don’t want the job.
I’m not trying to be mean, but contractors will price it outrageously or say “this will be a big job” because they don’t want the job, so you say no.
Probably because it is, they don’t like you, or they don’t want the job.
I’m not trying to be mean, but contractors will price it outrageously or say “this will be a big job” because they don’t want the job, so you say no.
Ehhh some of this is great advice about sales tactics, but you should definitely get a contractor to come out and look over the place again.
Reason being is if there is something that was missed in your initial inspection that another contractor found, you can go back to the realtor and demand them to be fixed. Especially for new builds.
However you only have a small window for this, because if you wait too long the realtor and or contractors can say it was you and it’s not their responsibility.
Also you should always get multiple bids from several contractors. If someone is going to do the job at a really low price, that means that contractor will cut corners, and do more harm than good. If someone is giving you an astronomical price that is completely unreasonable that means the contractor doesn’t want the job.
There is also this other “tactic” that construction companies know very well. That is if the company is trying to give you a deal, you as a customer are going to nitpick every little thing. Flip side, if they mark it up the customer will always believe it’s the best job that was ever done.
Source: my step father owned a large legit construction company, that I worked for, and my bio father owned a small shady construction company, that I also worked for.
It’s not that complicated imo, and I’m not attempting to diminish your experience.
Though, if you played day one, the hate that was given was completely warranted. Especially if you played on old gen consoles, when they said it was compatible.
This is coming from someone that genuinely liked the game, bugs and all.
Not because I’m cynical, or had grand expectations. It was literally because I never played a game that was so buggy in my life, and I’ve been playing since NES.
I paid for a finished product that wasn’t finished. I was lied to.
I can list the bugs and crashes I experienced, but it’s well documented.
It wasn’t like if No Man’s Sky was over promised and it was basically empty. It was if NMS was released it being empty, and crashed every 2 seconds.
Oh 100% I’m replaying it rn. It’s a much different game after release.
I got it on Xbox One day one because I bought into the marketing. I’m a sucker for distopian Sci-fi.
I wasn’t disappointed with the story, or the gameplay. I was just disappointed with something that felt unfinished. I felt like I was testing the game.
Since then I’ve bought and played EA games that have felt more flushed out.
Because of Cyberpunk I will never buy a game day one.
After getting Cyberpunk on release, no way will I get this until after all the patches they put down and say they are no longer supporting the game.
The alcohol thing is really just an east coast thing, and Utah.
Nah, the bullets would’ve just given up halfway through flight
Sure I can answer that for you.
A regular guy, and you don’t have to.
I did watch the video. It’s why I asked. Anyone can say they are a consultant, and he doesn’t really mention much to back that claim. He doesn’t say anything novel either.
I’m not trying to be hypercritical, but if someone says that they are a credible source I want to know why.
Who is this guy and why should I care what he says?
Edit: Since no one could answer it. He’s an indie developer and made a few games. Silver Falls, Clasherball, and Animelee. He also says he’s a consultant, based on the video, but I couldn’t find anything of him doing that.
So he’s slightly a step above a regular guy making some video complaining.
I agree. I typically skip sex scenes in movies. Those scenes very seldom add anything to the story imo.
Unless it makes sense. In “What Women Want” with Mel Gibson, I believe that is a great example of a sex scene adding to the movie. The whole premise is him reading women’s minds, so him having sex with Marisa Tomei and hearing their thoughts while in the act added to the premise.
So when I see a movie that is just like “hey these people are hot and we should film them go at it” is just boring imo.
Whenever I see something like this I feel I must defend my friend who’s a cop.
Before being a cop he was a lifeguard at a beach and my bassist.
Baywatch may tell you differently, but being a lifeguard is a seasonal job, and not a career. The next level of being a lifeguard is becoming a cop, so he did, and he has only beaten one black man so far.
You can be an introvert and be talkative, and you can be an extrovert and be shy.
It’s all how you recharge your social battery.
I consider myself to be an introvert, but I’m very talkative in social situations. Sometimes I can’t shut the fuck up. When I’m done hanging out though, I’m sitting in a dark room for a few days playing video games not hanging with anyone.
I worked with a guy who drove 50 miles to come into the office just so he could be around people, but hardly said anything to anyone.
Rimworld is one of those games I’m addicted to for like 2 weeks non-stop.
Then once I have 30 colonists and they can’t even keep the floor clean cuz I have too many things going on, I’m done because i know I’ll never “finish” anything. Even though every time I start that game I tell myself I’ll finally build the spaceship this time.
I wouldn’t go that far, but we could benefit with less of it.
6 years old all the way. Ok yeah sure, investments, Bitcoin, be rich. However, I’d love to relive parts of my past that I would want repaired that money couldn’t exactly fix.
I’d be a better older brother to my younger brother. Hang out with him, take him to his football games, take him to movies, play video games with him. Instead of being the douchebag party guy that ignored him. We have a good relationship now, but I wish I could’ve given him better memories when he was a kid of his older brother and guided him more/better.
I’d help my Mom with her addiction that took ahold of her because she couldn’t cope with what happened in her childhood. Maybe she’d still be around today, instead of me being so self absorbed in my own stupid shit.
Avoid the bad relationships I was in, and have the knowledge to recognize when a relationship will go badly. Including the parts of myself that help make the relationship bad.
Maybe the money would help with some of these things, but I really think my attention and presence would be more impactful.
Dude, ok. The responses you received imo are somewhat disingenuous, and bandwagonish.
Is it the answer to Skyrim or Fallout? God no.
It is fun? Yes. It’s Skyrim/Fallout in space. Don’t expect much more than that.
You want an ultra realistic space fairing game? Play Elite Dangerous.
You’ll have have at least 40-60 hours of fun. I’m not trying to be a shill here. There are a decent amount of things you can extract from Starfield for why you won’t like it. However, it’s still something worthy of experiencing.
Especially if you steal it.
Yes, yes they are. Which is why you pay for their services.
If a you pay a mechanic to fix your car, and it breaks down on the way home, you take that shit back and tell them to fix it.
If you pick up your car and the mechanic complains of an overdraft fee from the bank, because everything hinged on you picking up your car at noon instead of 3pm, that isn’t your problem.
Eh I played when the OG Mortal Kombat came out all the time at the local pizza place when I was like 9, and I turned out fine. I’ve only murdered a handful of people so far. It’s not like I became a cop or anything like that.