Now I’m picturing Captain Planet stepping around a corner and having his flesh melt off and his bones dissolve.
Now I’m picturing Captain Planet stepping around a corner and having his flesh melt off and his bones dissolve.
Well, for starters the billboard is only about 15’ tall and goes over the road. That’s not normal. Everything has a odd inconsistent blurry look to it and all of the smaller text is distorted and illegible.
Finally, the details on… well everything are wrong. Why does the white truck in the foreground have one giant door with a handle in the middle and a second handle on the truckbed? What is the traffic flow in this image? How many lanes does the road have? Why are all the lamps on the top of the billboard pointed so weirdly? What sort of neighborhood is this in?
What a shock… the social media site who’s admin’s supported the Jailbait subReddit (until they were publicly shamed for it) are actually a bunch of assholes. How surprising.
I mean the message is good, but the medium is, well slop.
AI slop.
Looks like backing up the post was a good call.
I bought a cup of plain yogurt for some naan bread. However do to my natural laziness and the yogurt getting pushed to the back of the fridge I ended actually using it over a year past it’s expiration date. The yogurt looked fine, tasted fine (other than being very tangy) and ended up making some tasty naan bread.
They were repeatedly being selected for the people who could handle a slightly colder environment, so by the time the population reached the polar regions, all that was left was people with traits to handle the cold. Any remotely beneficial recessive gene would quickly replace dominant alleles in the population.
Although I’m sure there was some genetic adaptation, I’d argue it was more technological advancement. The northernmost tribe discovers a better make of clothing, or a better housing structure and suddenly the colder winters farther north are now tolerable so people settle there. The new northern tribe refines their technology and knowledge and now that they know how to… ice fish or something they have a winter food source, and now their descendants can settle even farther north.
Close enough I suppose.
Holy crap, someone who actually didn’t have it yet!
Nintendo has been cracking down on emulators this year.
I’m guessing it’s because the Switch 2 will be a “Gamecube to Wii” sort of upgrade. Gruntier CPU and GPU, minor hardware changes, but same basic system. So Nintendo has been cracking down on Switch emulators so there won’t be a zero day Switch 2 emulator.
Placing a bomb and then switching to a weapon no longer applies its enchantments to the bomb damage.
Huh, never knew about that one.
Just be aware that the Gemini is rather limited in the logic department, even as chat bots go.
There’s also a pack containing every ship they’ve sold which you can only see/purchase if you’ve spent one thousand dollars in their ship store. I’ll spoiler the price so you can try and guess how much it is first:
$48,000, not counting the $1000 you have to spend to be able to see it.
Edit: I should include the source for that price since (as mentioned) you can’t even see the pack until you’ve dropped $1k
At least it’s not Star Citizen prices:
Gee, we’ve had over a half century of computer graphics at this point. However, suddenly when a technology arises that requires obscene amount of GPU’s to generate a results a GPU manufacturer is here to tell us that all computer graphics without that new technology is dead for… reasons. I cannot see any see any connections between these points.
Spez is a pretty standard tech bro, so of course he wants to jam “AI” into everything he can.
It’s probably better then the days old garbage they usually scavenge. And I cut off the moldy part too.
I bought one of those vegan Spam-a-likes and I have to say I really didn’t like it.
I my thought process was “Spam’s so heavily processed, how much worse could it be if no meat were involved?” the answer turned out to be “A lot.” I don’t know how to describe it. It’s like… you know how there are all beef hot dogs, but they don’t taste anything like beef? It was kinda that but with Spam… but Spam isn’t very meat like to begin with.
All that being said, after the plant based Spam sat in my fridge until it started to get fuzzy, I threw it out for the stray cats in my neighborhood. Despite the fact I found it to be quite unappealing, starving alley cats found it to be meat like enough to eat it… which I guess is a mark in it’s favor?
It’s a giant ponzi scheme currently propped up Tether printing imaginary money.