yes, let’s hope the protestors are well adjusted and their measures are proportional. After all ideologies have never caused anyone to commit a tragedy.
yes, let’s hope the protestors are well adjusted and their measures are proportional. After all ideologies have never caused anyone to commit a tragedy.
I do. Oh violence worked in the past ( and we all know how good the past was) sol let’s do it now too, in the 21st century.
What about violence? Murder? Mass Murder? Where would you draw the line, which reaction is out of proportion?
That was a war, the violent resistance was against a hostile occupation, not a social issue.
I would oppose their methods, not the movement (ideology, cause call it what you want)
Cooperate wants you to find the difference:
I don’t support fascisms, but I also don’t support violence and property damage to get the message across. I will never take a “movement” seriously that uses vandalism to get a message across.
That is just delusional mental gymnastics if you think the US is fascist.