I’m tired and with a few deadlines that will hit me on monday. I need to finish my task or i wont get vacations… so… all the fuel is going to the wrong place.
I’m tired and with a few deadlines that will hit me on monday. I need to finish my task or i wont get vacations… so… all the fuel is going to the wrong place.
Yep… war or a plane
Im sorry for your loss OP
“Answer me this human: which is the creature that has one voice, but has four feet in the morning, two feet in the afternoon, and three feet at night? Anyone who struggled to answer will be devoured by the beast.”
I don’t think they even know what being poor means or feels or whatever
Its one of the greatest bullies… every big asshole does its own part in this shit
I have a master II equivalent in material science and a specialization in nuclear reactors, 33 years.
The difference between being* a child or not, as I learned, is the facial hair.
Jokes aside, people perception of you depends strongly on the way you interact with them.
Wir sind entdeckt worden. Angriff!
Anyway, this is also a common spanish (romance?) construction.
I sit Buddha style on my chairs… does that have a meaning or something?
She is planning things already
deleted by creator
Cant you upgrade the laptop? Would you share the model?
It’s pretty fun to play with friends. I think it is still under development though.
Don’t expect a polished game or a “good ending” to your space-garbage-corpo-missions
Yes yes, yes yes yes. Yes, yes yes yes yes, yes yes yes!
What is the emmisivity of a tortie? >0.95 I would count them as honorary voids
I create useless applications for daily use. Now im working on an organizer that reads my work ins and outs to control my work hours and eventually cash in free days due to excess working hours.
Get a live version of any distro burned into an USB.
You can give it a try this way without compromising anything.
Meine Siamkatze war auch eine kleine Spionin, die stundenlang aus dem Fenster schaute.