Well lets invite nazists then, people from the camps are dead already, what harm could cause? /s
Well lets invite nazists then, people from the camps are dead already, what harm could cause? /s
Tl;dr: so far just lies and bad journalism.
Intellectual honesty would have been to delete the post. At the moment it still has the function you so very well described.
Time to understand it: Israel is no one’s friend.
Being teenagers they’ll have plenty of time to see who’s right. Good luck.
Yeah, not everyone has your fine arguments…
There goes your nuance I guess. :)
Yeah, fesding them with one hand and let them be killed with the other. How nice of them.
Germany will have to be ashamed of itself once again very soon, but this time no one will be able to say ‘I didn’t know’.
Why should a store ban you from spending there your money?
Just wait to be free to go roaming around alone, this is where the game shines. Totallly worthy.
I’ve also played Spec Ops this year, after having it in the library for god knows how long. I was pretty surprised, it’s pretty damn good.
RDR2. Yeah I’m late to the party. Still great IMHO.
Big waste of oscars that one.
You know, if you can’t say anything smart by staying silent you can hide it.
Yeah, wake up and have breakfast.
Police state.
And no one says that we need to import all the shit.
Well that’s true for every field.