All debt is bad, it is better to not own a house than to pay a mortgage levels of all debt is bad.
The only way you’re not going to be working a minimum wage job is if you have a college degree.
All debt is bad, it is better to not own a house than to pay a mortgage levels of all debt is bad.
The only way you’re not going to be working a minimum wage job is if you have a college degree.
Ignore the financial “advice” of your parents, they’re retiring and still in debt. Real estate, and stock market. Those prices only go up over time, and although it may be difficult in the short term, long term you’ll thank yourself.
Also college is a waste, don’t do it.
This is timely. I’m actually going to the met next week. I’ll have to keep an eye out.
The fair housing act doesn’t stop age discrimination, it protects “familial status” meaning they can’t discriminate based on a family having children, or being in a gay or lesbian relationship. It does have three exceptions to the law and they all center around senior communities.
My side hustle is real estate photography. Very flexible timing and I already had all the equipment. If I didn’t already own the equipment I wouldn’t have done it.
It’s not going to be over until one of them concedes which isn’t likely to happen quickly. So I’ll relax after Christmas.
They are the reason the Soviet Union was a near peer to the USA during the cold war. When the Soviet Union lost Ukraine they lost their engineering and manufacturing sectors.
Heck up until the Russian invasion of Crimea in 2014, Ukraine was the one servicing all of Russia’s nukes.
Oh, we’re not that organized. The only thing that they really do is require some form of government ID. They don’t really care what they just need to identify you.
They don’t check if you’re allowed to vote, or if you’ve already voted before you vote, as those machines aren’t connected to the internet, so there’s no database to check against. It is checked after the fact when they start counting as the counting machines are connected to the internet.
We had an issue about a decade ago where they were able to hack voting machines on election day, ever since then voting machines aren’t allowed to be connected to the internet.
Where I am there’s simply too many people to have a single location, so there are 4 different locations you can vote at in the district.
Tools, it’s really handy when I needed a thermal camera for a project and didn’t feel like spending hundreds for a tool that would get used once.
We were all 18/f/cal come on man…
Random name, npc, map generators for tabletop roleplaying. It’s just text and lookup tables. You can fit a lot of that in 1gb.
Jason Mamoa. I look like if he took a break from the gym for a year. He and I also share several hobbies.
Instrumental heavy metal.
I was big into crypto at the very beginning. Lost a hard drive that now has about $8 million on it somewhere.
Mine is an odd one, she let the breakup be amicable. It’s never easy to breakup, but our relationship turned into a LDR with a 5 hour time difference. Long distance relationships are never easy but we were giving it an honest shot. Eventually we both knew it was time, but neither of us wanted it to end. When the idea was floated that this could be coming to an end she insisted that we don’t blame ourselves but rather the circumstances. Our last date was both of us updating each other’s dating profiles.
We’re still friends, we still talk, I was at her wedding a few years ago, and the man she’s with is an amazing man, I wish them the best. It was an issue of circumstance, not compatibility, and of all the relationships I’ve been in that is the only one that I do not blame either myself, or my partner for the breakup.
Chili and cheese
They could have run the actual orange fruit and I would have voted for that over the orange cry baby.
We need more than 2 parties. fml.
Pretty easy if you don’t work for google.
If they want to silence you they have to 1. Know about your account. 2. Keep it active.