Sheet mulching
Sheet mulching
If something does happen to the stock market, we’ll all be fucked.
I don’t think that’s true. Even though all the things you mentioned should be diversified, if something terrible effects the markets then there will be bail outs, rate cuts, and/or money printing. What I had in mind though, is that infinite growth is impossible in our finite universe. And there’s no bail out for our planet, yet no one cares that we’re all fucked if it becomes uninhabitable
I’m of the opinion that the stock market is overvalued right now, mainly pumped up by tech stocks which are overvalued due to AI hype. I can’t help but think eventually all the baby boomers are going to want to cash out and enjoy their invested money while they’re still alive.
But on another note, do you expect the stock market to perpetually trend up? I suppose inflation helps keep stock prices up because the dollar is worth less than before.
Past performance is no guarantee of future gains
The pizza hut demo disc, yes!!!
This would be OP in Monster Hunter
Slay the Spire