I mean, Steve said they were looking into it specifically if SteamOS comes to the desktop market. So that is the benchmark they would use, and they use consistent sets of test hardware across their product category benchmarks. It’s not a secret what their methodology is/would look like. And they have a reputation for calling out shit when they see it. No offense, but your hot take seems pretty ice cold to me
A nonrepeating number does not mean that a sequence within that number never happens again, it means that the there is no point in the number where you can predict the numbers to follow by playing back a subset of the numbers before that point on repeat. So for 01 to be the “repeating pattern”, the rest of the number at some point would have to be 010101010101010101… You can find the sequence “14” at digits 2 and 3, 104 and 105, 251 and 252, and 296 and 297 (I’m sure more places as well).