Maybe that is why they make 20 slight variations of every model.
Maybe that is why they make 20 slight variations of every model.
I can’t disagree. We’re currently destroying the planet to sell crap people dont need or want just to make rich assholes extra money they don’t need
To some degree it is. There is some evidence that plants can experience pain in their own way.
Also, more human.
If the AI is giving any indication at all that it fears death and will lie to keep from being shutdown, that is concerning to me.
Also, having proportional representative multiparty democracies results in governments that actually try to represent the interests of the public instead of exclusively serving the donor / capitalist class.
If he truly killed himself, I am guessing he was blacklisted from his profession which is a very common retaliation against whistle blowers.
Phase 5. True despair: you graduate, apply to 500 jobs over 6 months and get zero job offers
Ah, back when game development was managed by game developers who were gamers themselves and prioritized quality over min-maxing shareholder profits…
Or another way to look at it, is that it was the market takeover phase of capitalism where capitalists are willing to operate at a loss to corner the market and create their own monopolies (see Nintendo, Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc). But once market grow stalls out they switch to the milking phase or enshitification phase of capitalism where they prioritize profits over everything else
Most of Reagan’s agenda came from the heritage foundation:
The capital class controls the heritage foundation and through their countless think tanks, lobbyist, donations, SuperPACs, etc they control the Republican party and even a large part of the Democratic party.
Marx was correct when he argued that economic democracy was necessary for political democracy. When the wealthy get to own the economy they have the entire country by the balls.
The moment LLM can do your job for you is the moment that you lose your job to boost shareholder value
Jokes on Elon. Conservatives hate electric cars and now Tesla’s core customer base hates Tesla because of Elon
Tesla has faced criticism in the past for the design of its manual release levers, which are considered poorly designed and unintuitively placed
Calling it poorly designed is a massive understatement. The manual release is a wire that is hidden behind a hidden panel. A guy made a video showing how to do it and he struggled to do it despite having practiced a few times in advance. The chance of pulling it off while the car was on fire would be very, very low
The fact that Elon is going to help Trump gut all of our federal agencies makes me sick to my stomach. Trump winning the election is like a terrible nightmare that I can’t wake up from.
If I were a narcissist like Trump then I would love to be the President: I could set up all my family and friends with 7 figure jobs, I’d buy a hotel and then force the SS to rent out the entire building at 10x the normal rates, I could spend most of my time golfing, I could chat with my buddy Putin on the phone every day, etc.
Are there shitty parts to the job? Sure, but is it better than being a powerless wage slave to a soulless corporation? Absolutely yes.
Starting wars with allied nations (China) just because they have a semi-socialist economy seems fairly fascist to me.
Either sound great to me. Co-ops are market socialism which is better than capitalism in every way
Advertising is absolutely morally reprehensible. It is propaganda that exists only to manipulate people into buying shit they didn’t want or need. And it turns out that mindless consumerism is destroying society and our planet.
He has potential, for sure, but putting the blame on one person was a massive whiff, especially when his own sources had spelled out the real problem multiple times:
"When Gomes pushed back on the multiple requests for growth, Fox added that all three of them were responsible for search, that search was “the revenue engine of the company,” and that bartering with the ads and finance teams was potentially “the new reality of their jobs.”
On February 6th 2019, Gomes said that he believed that search was “getting too close to the money,” and ended his email by saying that he was “concerned that growth is all that Google was thinking about.”
“Growth is all that Google was thinking about”. Companies prioritize quality and customer value when they are worker owned or trying to corner a market, but once they have a monopoly that goes out the window. Profit driven monopolies always end up cutting corners and abusing their customers. That is why anti-trust laws are so important and why it is so frustrating that we allow companies to bribe our politicians into eroding our anti-trust protections
Elon calls himself “Dark-maga” which is pretty dorky. Dork-Maga is more accurate
Tiktok doesn’t push neo-Nazi propaganda as aggressively as X did and it doesn’t censor news with class consciousness like Meta does.