It’s wild to think that a soldier with a javelin or spear on horseback was an incredibly important component of warfare for thousands of years and it all ended, historically speaking, 5 seconds ago.
A horse, a lance, and a gas mask? WW1 was crazy!
They’re in a TNG episode. The symbiote controls the host in that episode too. It isn’t a blending.
It’s television. Things can happen. Trills didn’t originally have spots either. They just changed it.
So let’s imagine a DS9 sequel series or TV movie is green lit and you’re the producer. Does Jadzia come back? If so how? Or does Terry Farrell come back in some other way? Or is she not in it at all?
I remember when that happened. It’s sad to see irreplaceable history being destroyed.
Buried during the great COVID toilet paper rush?
I think it’s probably way to early to know. I imagine it’ll largely depend on rarity and condition and with the being so many it’ll probably take a while to catalog everything. I honestly don’t know though.
Me too!
Agree with them or not there are people who are upset about these statues of traitors coming down.
Well the history is still in the history books. The civil war and Robert e Lee will be covered in high school history classes. It’s just that statues of him are taken down. Rightfully so in my opinion. He’s a traitor to the United States of America. He ordered people to kill Americans. He shouldn’t have a statue dedicated to him in our country.
One strike against nordvpn is they will give you a deal on a three year purchase then put you on an expensive annual plan and charge you a couple months before the three year purchase lapses. I had to threaten a charge back on my credit card for them to refund their annual subscription charge.
Yeah the article chooses the thumbnail unfortunately. I thought it was a good article though.
Alright you primitive screwheads listen up … This is my BOOMSTICK!
There shouldn’t be any statues of American traitors.
I think it’s important to remember that Robert E Lee himself wasn’t too keen on civil war monuments:
“I think it wiser,” [Robert E Lee] wrote about a proposed Gettysburg memorial in 1869, “…not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.”
I haven’t seen anyone mention these (but I might have missed it):
Religion for Breakfast - academic but understandable, digestable and knowledgeable videos about religion.
Soft White Underbelly - interviews with all kinds of people but mostly people living on the street.
I am legitimately nervous he could be reelected
I honestly don’t know but it wouldn’t surprise me. At one point he was pushing my blood pressure up so much I just stopped posting attention to anything in the news that mentioned him though.
You can’t make this kind of stuff up.