Why would you ever need a LLM on an eBook reader? Do you just let it summarize your books so you don’t have to read them?
Why would you ever need a LLM on an eBook reader? Do you just let it summarize your books so you don’t have to read them?
Auf dem rechten Auge blind? In meinem Deutscheland?
Ich nutze schon immer Pulver und hatte nie Probleme. Vielleicht einfach Pech mit der Marke? Manchmal machste alles richtig und am Ende is trotzdem alles kacke.
IoT Spülmaschine. Wie schnell ist so ein Ding wohl Teil eines Botnetzes?
Verschone mich mit deinen Rätseln!
I just ignore the idiots. I have wanted a Ciri game ever since I played W3 almost 10 years ago.
Am from Germany. I want them to know this is what happens if they ever take our health care away. Pry it from my cold dead hands and all that. Luigi is a hero!
You can’t afford to even run. You gonna start a gofundme?
Are all game rating systems just complete and utter garbage? Dare you to find a good one.
If anybody knows about love it’s rimjob_rainer.
Fascists don’t like free speech 🤷
No. Not while there are people going hungry and living on the streets in the very same country those CEOs inhabit. If we have some semblance of equality I might just change my opinion.
A $100 deposit you get back if you actually sell your game and make money off of it. Technically not even a fee.
Heroic Games Launcher is on Windows also. If you buy a game on GOG through the Launcher it even compensates the devs a little bit. Very neat.
Lass aber auch ma Frischluft rein inne Butze
I enjoy playing older games I missed out on years ago. Recently I finally played Silent Hill 3 and 4 for instance. Now I plan on doing Resi 1-3 and games like it. Other than that my guilty pleasure is League of Legends. I have accepted that I will play it until they shut it down.
Guess I live in a cave then. I have even had the game on steam for ages now. The graphics are just too much of a turn off for me to ever play it.
Haha I stopped playing Nier Automata after finishing it once. Yeah, yeah I heard it’s not the end, but the gameplay really isn’t good enough to go through it again. Right now I’d give it a 7/10, but if you force me to do it all again I am going down to 3/10. I think it feels incredibly cheap to do this gimmick.
AC IV Black Flag was my last one and it was pretty good. It also came out over a decade ago. At what point does it become retro?
Gebrauchtwagen von vor April 2018