We fucking didn’t. Our lords n masters decided they needed a new underclass to keep them going and this is all gonna end very very badly. Importing people from fucking fighting nations into polite nations causes 2 fighting nations.
We fucking didn’t. Our lords n masters decided they needed a new underclass to keep them going and this is all gonna end very very badly. Importing people from fucking fighting nations into polite nations causes 2 fighting nations.
I don’t want to live in a OCD designed mcWorld
So you are that big a wanker IRL.
Common sense and not waiting for science to figure out how to study abstract aspects of human nature that can’t really be quantified like that.
It does, it absolutely does. How do you function without simple pattern recognition?
Are you this big a wanker IRL?
You can’t really be this silly. You can’t ethically study this shit, it would need two groups, a control group that doesn’t get desensitized by the horrible things the other group does to people. But you can personally observe the changes in people of places of authority and stress over time. There’s maybe a few studies in the past, like the Stanford one, Milgram I think, that ethicists discourage.
It literally is though.
Philosophy ain’t really a science bud.
oh ffs is that where the “inner child” came from? I just read a bunch of greek philosophy that seemed to indicate arguing with an inner voice, that in my experience feels like a kid. Even the Odyssey had a child like feel.
Or even in recent history, well paying jobs that required physical labor and little education.
Sometimes people tell you who they are accidentally…anyways the classic philosophers talk about concepts that are pretty clearly closely related.
But you are arguing with it, there’s your brain and then there is you, keep an eye on that impulsive toddler? Old greek philosophers talk of this to, in strange language that doesn’t make sense, unless it happens to you.
I’m 42 and can put my legs behind my head and clenches his jaw, but i feel like this is written by someone enjoys methamphetamine.
Oh i know this one. You’re arguing with your brain, right? Like it’s telling you all sorts of wrong shit, but generally you catch it before you say anything silly, like North is South, etc, and this is easier when you’re not tired or after a couple cups of coffee? But, sometimes, that brain gets directly in charge of your mouth without you editing it?
No dude. your personality isn’t dictated by adhd, it’s literally a part of your personality. You maybe do need to just start forcing yourself to do stuff you don’t want to though. If you remember.
pretty much the biggest inconvenience for me was getting people to write stuff down. Like when they’d try talk for five minutes about how they wanted something built, explicit instructions, I’d always have to remind them, write it down or draw it, if you want me to understand, we’ve been over this for years now, you know I know how to do the work once the desired result is presented in a way i can understand.
Tube and fit scaffolder. Fast paced very physical work, but if you get the bug, it’s a good career that pays well, will keep you in excellent shape, plenty of places have it unionized if you’re into that. A lack of fear of heights is a requirement. here’s a good company that does it, https://www.matakanascaff.com/, its very different than normal scaffolding for painters or whatever.
Some articles mentioned something along those lines, but they seemed more written with an axe to grind, and more from the states. The rich part I can’t speak to, but autism is just plain more common in whites than blacks, not underdiagnosed, to my understanding. Ed girlfriend used to work with the autistic, and in a heavily multicutural city where white people are not a clear majority, nearly all the severely autistic she worked with were white/iranian/middle eastern/ other whitish varieties it seemed, hardly any black or asian.
Err…I guess I read a paragraph and went to do something more interesting.
you are so close to admitting it’s imaginary