Thank you for irritated starfish, made me chuckle
Thank you for irritated starfish, made me chuckle
Job that’s starts at 12am…flight attendant!
But also when I had trouble sleeping as a kid my teacher told me to describe my pet to myself in great detail. It worked and since then I’ve described other things, or tried to visualize my way to work or my dream house. It somehow keeps my mind focus but is also relaxing. Hope it helps.
Reading ghormenghast also helps.
Good eye I was looking at the top right picture on the belly thinking “how do they know what that is!?” (Edit, typo)
I don’t even see it! 😆
Seems like if we didn’t briefly persecute cats in the middle ages we may not have suffered so much from the black death.
Also cats are awesome
Do you have any resources on the how for transitioning?
Ours is indoor/outdoor. We do a lot to mitigate the risks, but I’d love to have an option to slowly bring him in.
Topiramate reduces alcohol cravings
I assumed earthy forests and mushrooms and was now want to forage :)
Multivitamins marketed to the elderly are usually a great deal less expensive with similar or identical content. I found this out while comparing vitamins during pregnancy, just had to add extra folate.
Anyone know a good place to learn Farsi (Persian). Duolingo doesn’t have it yet, if ever
Both sides are not the same. However, both sides are terrible. One just more so than the other.
Are those crocheted Christmas trees in the background?
I send you many hugs.
Came here for this, thank yoy
Thank you this made me lol
Go have a wank, you dont have to force someone else And if she touched you without consent that is sexual assault
I know I’m being a little hostile. My post does not mean that you, reader, are a terrible person. It just means that I am a little annoyed personally about this subject. For me it’s fucking crystal clear.
dont force people