Surprise, surprise. Gran Turismo is forgotten again
Surprise, surprise. Gran Turismo is forgotten again
My cat did that to me exactly once. I saw him lying on the floor relaxing, so I bent over to give him a pat, and the little charismatic fucker reached up with both paws, grabbed my arm in them and pulled my hand in for a big hug. My favorite memory of that cat.
I read somewhere it was actually Robin Williams that convinced him it was a good idea. There a ton of c64 shovelware and brand recognition is a powerful tool if you can build something worthwhile
When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail
For real though, why would Green shoot last night?
In anticipation of the D&D campaign I’m starting next week I’ve been playing the wailing death campaign of Neverwinter Nights. It’s been fun despite the pace being a little slow
It’s fucking jarring when the ISB name drop Palpatine. You completely forget it’s star wars at some points
Most trans-neptunian objects do there’s no reason to believe this one doesn’t.
The proposed 9th planet is beyond Sedna and is hypothesized because Kuiper belt objects are orbiting strangely to they figure a gravitational influence from further out is causing it. Uranus was seen doing the same thing and that’s how Neptune was confirmed found.
I’d take a new tenacious d movie any day. My vote is for learn to fly as well
Assention is the first game chronologically in the story followed by chains of Olympus. Those are the PSP entries. Get em and go.
A schizophrenic man killed his parents and fled on a cross country pursuit from the police at the advice of his dog.
Nine inch nails - Downward spiral
Toxicity - System of a Down was an incredible album about American exceptionalism and war hungriness. The towers were hit a week after the album was released.
Geddy Lee is the GOAT who kinda looks like one
The cheese mongrel